The Bill McNeal

Of course! You ever tried doing an insane rant without being shirtless? It's boring. No one listens to you!

Atleast Alex's going to get a free pizza…

Shouldn't that be the job of his lawyers?

This is as good a place as any to bring up the fact that I'm still not used to Peter Parker being the CEO of his own successful company, as well as the sponsor for the current main Avengers team.

I do have high hopes for it. The Marvel Universe seems to be perfect for a sweeping epic, where heroes need to be recruited to tackle some enormous threat to the universe. But Disney seems to be mostly content to just release mobile games of varying quality.

Now you have me hoping for a Mass Effect-styled Avengers game…

I must be out of the loop… One of the Kardashians fucked Ray Jay Johnson on tape?!

Is Futurama head-in-a-jar Richard Nixon? Definitely better.

She's got time. Sean Spicer, on the hand, probably has a few months left in him tops. I suspect that he'll be coaxed into committing hara-kiri. Should be a fun press conference.

Silicon Valley is next week, I think.

I was hoping that they were inspired by Magneto's greatest lackey, Mortimer Toynbee.

Especially when Vermont maple syrup is better.

Apparently you've never visited DeviantArt!

We just make it baked with Vermont white cheddar. My mother has made it for over three decades and I'm stubborn about changing the recipe.

Good kitchen manager or better "slipping the health inspector a bribe" guy? The world may never know….

Trump's food poisoning is simply the best. Better then all the rest.

Oh my God! Michael Gray was Billy Batson on Shazam!

Harrison Ford's just happy that he's now only the second most dangerous thing in the air.

I enjoyed Robot Alan Tudyk.

It's called Droids and it ran for 13 episodes in 1985!