The Bill McNeal

Not true. We've yet to get anything that covers the backstory of the lady with six breasts from Return of the Jedi.

I've had it up to here with these damn rickets.

Mara Jade… Mara Jade… Bring back Mara Jade!

So many hashtags…

But what'll the tourists grope when they visit Wall Street?!

I like the idea that he snuck a 7,000 pound brass sculpture of a bull into lower Manhattan without the NYPD noticing.

They should move Fearless Girl to Detroit and have her defiantly stare down that Robocop statue whenever it gets built. Surely there's no subtext to be found there!

The video really should have included the part where Charlie and Carl drop a pencil down Homer's butt crack.

Have they got Ben Carson out of that housing project elevator yet?

Gob wore them all the time, and he's pretty heelish. A tweener at the very least.

I decided to never accept an arm wrestling challenge after watching The Fly as a seven year old.

Well, sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit, this looks pretty bad.

Give it time. This year's just getting started.

That's why we love Sean O'Neal.

Have no fears, they've got stories for years!

Yea, but is that a new development?

Is this more healthy or less healthy then that other guy that wants to kill himself by eating a year's worth of chicken nuggets?

Everyone knows Dr. Fine Soda graduated at the top of his class at Hollywood Upstairs Medical College.

I think that's the long-awaited sequel to Doc Hollywood…

Dr. Becker, the only Dr. Pepper knockoff endorsed by Ted Danson!