The Bill McNeal

Even the NES had a few softcore porn games like Bubble Bath Babes and Peek-A-Boo Poker.

My parents have a lawn that I refuse to mow. Does that count?

Meh.. Star Wars keeps dragging out their dead celebrities. Anything's possible in these turbulent times.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead!

I'm a little disappointed we never got that rumored Wrestlemania match. The show really could have used an extra twenty minutes.

Is this like the 1985 Anthony Edwards classic Gotcha!? Nothing like an espionage thriller set against the backdrop of high-stakes paintball.

You know, if they ever wanted to remake Weekend at Bernie's, Marc Maron could easily replace Terry Kiser.

Pffff… Getting hit with a chair is a pretty standard stunt.

Chavo Guerrero Jr. is also in the series in a minor role, as well as serving as the trainer for the actresses. It's sort of a neat callback to the original promotion, because his uncle Mando was the trainer there for the first season or so.

And is the implication here that Samantha Bee is married to Donald Trump as a part of the grand Illuminati conspiracy?

So from what I gather, Itchy's a part of the Illuminati?

I get the feeling that nothing is obvious to herasblog.

I also enjoy the one about how angels use clouds as a form of GPS for crazy people. Or something like that.

And if William Hughes should be shamed for anything, it's for dragging you nutjobs out of your dank corner of the Interweb and shining a spotlight on your delusional ramblings.

Please, can we not talk about Ivanka Trump's slit?

I enjoy watching it whenever I need to put something on in the background. It's always great to see all these places. And I've even discovered a few places in Vermont from it.

It's because of the Donkey Sauce, isn't it?

Yea. I browsed your blog briefly. You're a fucking nutjob.

Would you perhaps have any recommendations for any pizza places that aren't also child sex dungeons? Preferably one with a Donkey Kong Jr. machine.

It must suck that even your bloviating overlord, Alex Jones, thinks you guys are nuts.