The Bill McNeal

Frank Stallone?

They provide some form of humor and isn't that really the best medicine? Or maybe I'm confusing that with penicillin.

Hmm. Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Did you forget to finish your thought?

How dare you step in here and disparage the good name of "Diamond" Joe Biden!

Pete Wells' review of the actual restaurant is worth checking out as well.

To be fair, I don't really care if the place is a sex trafficking dungeon, cause that roasted pork calzone looks delicious. And I'm willing to let a lot of shit slide if the food's good.

My greatest victory was the time we went to a Chinese buffet and the kitchen caught on fire in the middle of us wolfing down shitty crab rangoons and whatever else they had. Then, as everyone was waiting outside for the fire department, we snuck off to our car. Good times… good times.

We might be able to drag the Juggalos into this free-for-all as well.

Not to knock the Air Force, but it's a good thing they have airplanes.

Nice callback to Heart of Archness with Bucky's bitch playing the role of Krieger's thug.

Not if the rumors of AJ moving to Raw are true, unfortunately.

Yea, but the Browns are always looking to trade him again.

Because they're redditors.

This reminds me of the time my father took us to a corn maze. Except it had been a shitty summer and we'd just had a bad storm a few days earlier, thus the maze was nothing more then a ruined field with roped-off paths. Apparently, you were supposed to imagine the maze…

You could tell that it brought a tear to Kurt's eyes.

But… Kevin Owens needs someone to beat the shit out of in between feuds!

Forget everything else, nothing makes me happier then to see the return of dorky Kurt Angle.

Could Philly share the Rumble? I'm hoping to go to it next year.

As long as he can make the occasional Jesse Ventura appearance too.