The Bill McNeal

I'm glad they pushed Dean Ambrose to the pre-show for a musical act… Or even gave another match some extra time.

Yes! The group included former WWF superstar Earthquake as the masked Golga, who seemed to enjoy carrying a Cartman doll around with him.

The Bluth family
Sterling Archer
And, of course, the perfectly adequate Bill McNeal.

I'm all for anything that gets Mary Elizabeth Winstead on my television.

All I ever think about is "Marty Feldman", whenever I see Thomas Middleditch.

I'll enjoy this story even more in a few years after Rogen and Goldberg release their Jewish mobster movie and these two guys try to sue them for stealing their script.

Actually, Mike Hanlon (the black guy) survives the novel. In fact, he reappears in Insomnia, which is set in Derry.

I really wish they hadn't gave away the Captain America cameo in the trailer.

And the South Pacific.

They had no choice. The "Time to make the donuts" guy was a monster…

Pitiful ballplayers of Earth, I am Ethan "Bubblegum" Tate, commander of the Harlem Globetrotters. For generations, your puny planet has lived in peace with the Globetrotter Homeworld. But now, for no reason, we challenge you to defend your honor on the basketball court.

Its comic counterpart, the Fantastic Four's Baxter Building, was originally occupied by other tenants — the F4 only rented out the top five floors. And that building was regularly launched into space by Doctor Doom.

Andromeda isn't as terrible as it's been made out to be. Or maybe I just have a higher tolerance for bad games. And while I agree that Liam and Cora are bland teammates, the rest of your teammates make up for it. I enjoyed the interactions between Vetra and PeeBee early on, as well as PeeBee and Jaal once you add him

If this doesn't work out, maybe we could get a Lego Justice League movie as a sequel to the Lego Batman Movie.

As if we needed any more proof that Jack Kirby was the true genius.

In fact, Stan Lee probably stole him from an episode of Captain Planet.

I'm sure Stan Lee'll rebound from this. He just needs to get out there and pitch some new superheroes. Even if his easel work is a little rusty.

They're more then just a Delta hub!

Marvel and the NFL should team up and bring NFL SuperPro back.