The Bill McNeal

Now I can relive the Skytanic episode of Archer!

Don't sell yourself short, Judge, you're a tremendous slouch.

This is actually pretty low on the list of stuff that's an embarrassment to this site.

He probably has a stash of painkillers in his house. Those might be worth stealing.

I'm just glad that Jon Lovitz isn't alive to see this.

For about five seconds, all I could think was "Sylvester Stallone wrote the Anarchist's Cookbook?"

Starring Jon Hamm?

When you first arrive at Nexus, you're able to ask one of the administrators about the status of a quarian ark. They tell you that it's in the second wave, since they were delayed from launching with the others because of technical difficulties. It's also stated that ark also contains the drell, the hanar and some of

Some Netflix executive said that they plan on the catalog being roughly 50% original programs within the next few years.

Hopefully, I was worried with the whole Fox deal, that FX programming would start leaving too. If Archer and It's Always Sunny leave Netflix, I'd probably end up just dropping them outright.

They're all (Buffy, Angel and Firefly) on Fullscreen, which you can get through Amazon for like 6 a month. It's not great… but it's something.

Did they forget to put the last season of Archer on the list? The new season starts on April 5th or 6th.

Glad I just binged it all again recently then. But it seems odd. I figured with the Netflix that it'd be safe.

I really enjoyed Robert Downey Jr. gnawing on the scenery any chance he could get. Tropic Thunder is a pretty solid film, although it's worth getting the DVD/Blu-Ray for the commentary, where RDJ remains in character, and the fake documentary about the making of the actual movie.

I notice that it didn't take long for Bioware to catch tons of shit for the way they wrote in the transgender character that you meet.

Alec Ryder'll probably come out looking rough if you do any sort of customizing to your character (and your sibling), because his appearance is based on their appearances to some extent.

I would assume that they might show up in a sequel, once the ark with the quarians shows up.

Between the Amazon Prime discount and a leftover gift card, I managed to get this for just under $15. So I'm not really complaining too much about that game…

Playing my female Ryder, I've noticed that her lipstick looks awful at the corners of her lips. It's really awkward and of course you can't go back in the game to alter makeup and all that. I understand not being able to get plastic surgery on the frontier, but why can't I touch up my makeup!

I enjoy it. But I also mostly just play it through co-op with my brother between Rocket League. In single player, once you level up Sync Shot all the way, your AI teammates can pretty much mow through any place you need to take down.