The Bill McNeal

And the Eagleton version of April on Parks and Recreation.

Despite complaints about the voice acting, I do love the nerdy Krogan administrator that you meet on the space station. It's just so against the type.

I've only ate at a Popeye's once while on a layover at Atlanta… We don't have them in New England either…

Bird law is not governed by reason.

To be fair, having had Chick-Fil-A on my sporadic trips to Florida, I'm willing to let them slide on a lot of shit. They'd probably have to be involved in that underground child sex ring that John Podesta supposedly runs to make me think about not going there.

"No, I don't eat dragon, cause… uh… it's not a meal for peasants, it's a meal for kings, and I'm sort of a common man. But they don't eat us, it's a common misconception. They actually eat gold and treasure — that's why they're always sitting on a pile of it."

… or candy!

Even if he blew through all that on coke and whores, he's still got to have some of those Archer residuals coming in.

It's one of the reasons I can't stand watching Hulu.

Now Tom Selleck's trying to con people into reverse mortgages.

For every Jeff Goldblum, there's like a hundred Harvey Fiersteins sitting in their cars and kvetching about their mothers as the world comes to an end.

"Don't tempt me. I could put an eye out with this thing."
"You couldn't even break the skin with that thing."
"Yeah I could! It could lodge in the skin and cause a very bad infection."

Even God has a cheat day or two.

Depending on where you are, I want to say that Elena gets some things to do as the story goes on. For the record, Uncharted 4 was one of my favorite games last year, and primarily one of the reasons (with Until Dawn) for getting a PS4.

So what you're saying is that a crafty entrepreneur should start looting all those 25 cent copies of Monopoly at yard sales and stockpiling the old token pieces. Then they can sell them back to hipsters for like an insane markup!

Look, I don't want to get into a fight before we even start this fucking game, but I'm calling the T. Rex for the rest of eternity.

I'm in the middle of downloading the EA Access trial to give Mass Effect a whirl and see if it's worth picking up early.

I'm on the fence with Mass Effect: Andromeda right now. I loved the trilogy enough to play it through three times and was planning to get it on release day, but have heard these and other complaints. So now I'm wondering if it might be worth waiting a few weeks for a patch.

Once again you're faced with the classic Irishman's dilemma. Do you eat the potato now? Or let it ferment so that you can drink it later?

That's not an Irish proverb, it's from a TV comedian! And he was just using space travel as a metaphor for beating his wife.