The Bill McNeal

Finally, this nightmare on the AV Club has ended. We can resume fretting about that whole pesky national nightmare now.

Bryan Cranston making it past the first act would have helped some.

Man, cirrhosis of the liver is a bitch…

I'm afraid I prematurely shot my wad on what was supposed to be a dry run if you will, so I'm afraid I have something of a mess on my hands.

They got this all screwed up. It should really read:

Yet, in an ironic twist of fate, that gimmick account, that posted in the wrong comment section, has been accidentally posting everything in the right sections now.

And reward it with a comment section that isn't clunky and awkward?

Anne Ramsey was right when she said that kids suck.

I'll always remember him as the guy dropping the n-bomb in the bathroom on Curb Your Enthusiasm, which caused Larry David to constantly repeat the story and piss everyone off.

I haven't seen this episode, so I can't compare it, but I doubt Mr. Burns can top Frank Reynolds admitting to feeding his sweatshop workers cat soup — with the occasional human hand, foot or child laborer tossed in.

And then I'll never get in that Poof…

But still, where did the lighter fluid come from?

I've made a huge mistake…

I think I saw Dean Winters in the trailer, so that's a plus.

Rickety Cricket finally moves up in the ranks.

They also gave away the dildo bike in most of them too.

If Dennis is gone for good, maybe they could replace him with Wendell Shorteyes.

Does this mean that the first season of Fargo was a sequel to It's Always Sunny?

Wasn't there a brief period last decade when Gerard Butler was somewhat of a leading man in Hollywood? He seems to have settled into that phase where he's not an A-Lister, but hasn't quite hit that Steven Seagal rock bottom.

Buy me Geostorm or go to Hell!