The Bill McNeal

Would it be too dark to predict that the season finale of "It's Always Sunny", like the episode where Mac finally embraced his homosexuality, has Dennis finally embracing being a serial killer and murders the woman and his child?

Hey, she's tough. She's a harbor chick!

I was going to suggest that if the Statue was covered in blood, then we'd know that Gangrel is getting the Brood back together.

Fuck Baldwin. James Adomian is a goddamn treasure.

We keep getting all these updates on Obama's vacation, but has anyone seen Joe Biden since he was forced to vacate Number One Observatory Circle? I heard he stripped every last piece of copper piping on his way out.

But that's not important right now.

Does that mean we get a new MASH series?

It'll be fun to find out years from now that one of the main reasons Ben Affleck wanted nothing to do with directing Batman was because the studio mandated stupid shit like this.

It's going to be twenty minutes of drawn-out entrances — we'll actually follow Goldberg from the airport to the ring — and a few minutes of actual match. Just enough time for Brock to suplex Goldberg ten times or so.

I can't wait for Kurt Angle to parlay this year's pre-order DLC gig into a Wrestlemania main event.

Even the AWA died with more dignity.

To regain his heat, they're going to have Braun Strowman beat a baker's dozen of them on Raw tomorrow.

If it's lame, it's right in Raw's wheelhouse. They're going to start that Roman Empire even if they have to bulldoze over every talent on their roster.

I held a small sliver of hope that Kevin Owens was going to keep the belt through some underhanded Ric Flair tactic. The Goldberg-Lesnar match doesn't need "stakes" because a WCW star isn't going over a WWE superstar.

Yea, I know. And how'd he pull off the top so easy? Ben and Jerry's always has that plastic around it that requires a fucking box cutter or steak knife to hack through.

That's probably why she's been lobbying to play Squirrel Girl.

I don't remember 'Garfield erotic fan fiction' as one of the side effects of Teamocil.

So I'd assume that Marc Maron is portraying Matt Cimber, who's more notable as the last husband of Jayne Mansfield. I wonder who'll be portraying sleazy David McLane. Shame that Wayne Newton is too old, he'd have been a dead ringer.

You shut your lying whore mouth!

Of all the things in this story, my favorite is the idea that Martin Short was at the Oscar after-party busting a move on the dance floor.