The Bill McNeal

I loved Wolf Among Us, and it got me into reading Fables after it. Borderlands is worth grabbing. Batman is too, although I haven't finished it yet. I tend to wait for Telltale games to go on sale, and they usually do right before the final episode is out.

Don't provoke it! 2016 has already been putting overtime through the holidays. The last thing we want is it going on some sort of end-of-the-year bender.

But the original has John Candy as the Polka King of the Midwest! And he gets to tell a story about forgetting his kid at the funeral home for a day.

Having just rewatched Home Alone, my biggest gripe with the film is that Kevin leaves the church at eight o'clock (based on the church bells ringing) and is able to get the entire house rigged up with booby traps in under an hour (which includes icing the front and back steps).

I bought Oxenfree and Hitman on Xbox's Countdown Sale, so I have those to enjoy this week. And Dead Rising 4 to finish, before the Christmas setting becomes dated!

What? Kid & Play are playing the inauguration? That seems like an odd pick for them. Doesn't seem like their kind of audience. Even that creepy Milwaukee sheriff seems to be a bit racist… But good for them! I liked House Party when I was younger.

I ponder if you grasp the deep irony of your username. I'd assume not…

I remember the novelization of Home Alone 2 opened with Daniel Stern's character having a PTSD-triggered nightmare where Kevin kills him by dropping a running lawnmower on his head.

I didn't see the killer grey gorillas, Tim Curry or Ernie Hudson in that trailer. Are they saving them for the sequel?

Don't give the Simpsons writers any ideas. They don't need any more! I'm still waiting for my episode where Moe gets a cell phone!

I haven't paid attention to the Star Wars EU in awhile, but did they really erase Mara Jade completely from the canon? That's sort of disappointing.

In fact, some of them were more expensive then now. I've seen a few catalogs over on Dinosaur Dracula, and they have new SNES games, like Street Fighter II, listed from 60 to 80 dollars.

Atleast it's not a Trump cabinet position. So that's a plus.

I still haven't seen it, despite owning it on Amazon.

Even John Bigboote got a copy.

As usual, Frank Stallone gets left out in the cold…

Did Destiny ever get any better? I got the game at launch with some friends and we played for the first six months or so, but I never found it to be anything that great. Just alright.

But it might not arrive before Christmas, according to the site, and that's completely unacceptable. How am I supposed to celebrate Christmas without a 55-gallon drum of lube?

I see the last season of It's Always Sunny is up in time for a binge the day before the new season. But where's Archer? I thought the new season was starting at the same time.

I thought Sausage Party would have made the list.