The Bill McNeal

It's like I'm wearing nothing at all!

Still waiting on that Fletch movie…

Only an 18 minute video?

Then he tried to market some rip-off grill of his own, before they had to be recalled due to having a pesky little defect where it would catch on fire!

It's a regional dialect.

I caught a few episodes here and there. I might just load up FXNOW tonight and do my own marathon though, now that the show is heading into later seasons.

What if I want to get a mixed bag? Could I get a bag of Oxycodone and Vicodin? And do you offer bulk rates?

And it's not too late for 2016 to make it up to us and take someone else out. Call it a Christmas miracle, if you will.

That's assuming Trump was planning on giving them an option.

A Diamond Joe Biden t-shirt? Guess I know what I'm buying me for Christmas!

I liked parts of it. Mostly the parts of Doakes hunting Dexter down and Keith Carradine.

Outside of the first and fourth season, I haven't felt much of a need to go back and watch Dexter.

I'm weak-willed, FFXV is $48 with the Amazon Prime discount, so I said "Fuck it!" and bought it…

Have you seen their graffiti? They can't even paint swatikas the right way! Adolf Hitler would be ashamed to see these lazy, half-assed morons carry on his work!

Don't even get me started on Trump Vodka. Or do… I don't really have much to say on the subject other than "It stinks!"

I've finally moved on to Mass Effect 2, while contemplating purchasing the Witcher 3 DLC and Hitman from the Xbox sale. I did buy Telltale's Batman game though.

Fox should just give Marvel the Fantastic Four rights back, so we can get a proper film done. Set it in the sixties or early seventies, get Jon Hamm as Mr. Fantastic and throw in some cameos for John Slattery's Howard Stark and Michael Douglas' CGI de-aged Hank Pym.

I just now realized that there's a lot of acronyms that I have no clue what they mean.

Even the Nazi party has to meet quotas.

She does realize that as a Vietnamese-American, she probably wants to avoid the Nazis.