The Bill McNeal

It also helped that he was voiced by the great Jeffrey Combs.

Piven was in the US release, while Clarkson was in the UK release.

It was a really good show. I binge watched it a few years back and loved it. Strong cast all around too.

Just don't bother with the Texas electors. They're an ornery bunch from what I've read. No surprise really…

I never would have guessed that Radio Raheem was such a big fan of syrup.

Of course, he's going to look golden when he's compared next to the abomination that is his boss.

I used to think Jayne Cobb was just a character he played…

And just after he forged that executive order to recognize December as Dokken History Month.

Can't sneak anything past you, eh?

Would a "my bad" help?

As long as they get Max Weinberg for Max Rebo, the rest of it is just icing on a sweet cake.

While they do look similar, I believe that is Tecmo Super Bowl.


Oh. I never saw the trailer for this, so I'd just been assuming that this was another spinoff in the Cars franchise.

Where's Dr. Evil rank on this?

I always read halfway through an article before having to scroll back up to confirm that it's an O'Neal. It's always a pleasant surprise.

That too. That's why I still have my old DS and PSP.

At those prices, you're better off just buying an actual NES and the games.

Balrog. He once killed one of Dhalsim's elephants with a Gigaton Punch.

Now that the show's done, they can shave their beards and go back to being yuppies.