The Bill McNeal

It'd be pretty hard to keep filming the show once they secure those Trump cabinet positions.

Sounds like a Perd Hapley quote to me.

I just remembered in Raiders of the Lost Ark, it was more then implied that Indiana Jones had been sleeping with an underaged Marion Ravenwood.

According to Scream 3, she even slept with George Lucas!

I finished Mafia III last week and moved along to playing some of Dishonored 2 and mostly replaying the original Mass Effect.

Ooo. I've been replaying the Mass Effect trilogy since they made the last two backwards compatible. I'm working my way through the first one right now.

Will there be a failed casino in every town in this great land?

Atleast Robocop offered to notify a rape crisis center for the woman though. Robocop's a classy cyborg.

"Old Uncle Joe's got himself a bitchin' bachelor pad in one of the underground bunkers. Even Barry don't know about these sweet digs, I got! Got my grow lights down there and a great recliner I found out on Windom Road last month. I've also got a huge stack of nudie mags! Playboy, Hustler, Swank — I'm talking vintage

But will Steve Carell hang dong in this film?

Not if you want marijuana legalized though! That's eating into his profits, man! Him and Blaze just scored a new hydroponics unit.

If it gets us more Larry David appearing on SNL, I'm all for it.

"Once again, the conservative, Sheen-heavy portfolio pays off for the savvy investor!"

Did someone say Ketchup Perd?

Man, fuck Mark Zuckerberg. He stole Facebook from the Winklevoss twins and screwed Spider-Man out of the deal as well.

It was always sort of fun to see if I could manage to run out to the bathroom and piss before the commercials were over.

What about MASH the book?! Where's that rank?

The Video Pirates from Amazon Women on the Moon was better…

I prefer my futuristic toilets to have the voice of Jon Hamm.

I like to imagine that Uncle Joe is throwing a yard sale on the North Lawn, pawning off some of the "sick shit" he's accrued over the past eight years. Trying to scrape together enough scratch so he can convince Barry to take one last raging bender to Reno for the weekend.