The Bill McNeal

Apparently Gray's Sports Almanac didn't have a section about Trump driving the USFL into the ground.

And a non-hovering hoverboard. That should hold us over for awhile.

Well, I wouldn't go so far as to refer to it as "people"…

The second one was the first one I caught, so I'd probably echo that sentiment.

Or Jackson Publick and Doc Hammer! I just hope they get that seventh season of the Venture Bros. done before the bombs drop.

Too soon…

Let us all not forget the time Kevin Smith complained on the Internet about getting kicked off a flight for being too fat.

Yea, Thanks Obama and Seth Meyers

After Frank Caliendo hosts.

At the same time, Paul Ryan is trying to tell people that they aren't planning on creating a "deportation force" to round up and deport all these immigrants.

As a Vermonter, I've always known them as grinders. I often get odd looks whenever I visit my brother in Florida and order them at Publix…

I believe they're called steamed hams in Albany.

The ending of the video took a bit of a Rick-and-Mortyesque turn.

I liked Peter Berg better when he was starring in movies like The Great White Hype. And Shocker.

I imagine in the coming weeks, Uncle Joe's going to have to clean out all his hiding spots around the White House. He's got some "primo shit" squirreled away around there.

I wonder if Uncle Joe showed off his "bitchin' rooftop hideout" to Mike Pence today during their meeting.

Thanks for letting us know, Vic.

Tim Allen had to spend two whole years in prison for trafficking cocaine. So there's that. Granted, he ratted out the other dealers to get a reduced sentence. But still, sometimes white people have to pay for their crimes… Sort of.

But I was told that he was a blue collar millionaire!

Stephen Colbert's still alive tonight. So that's a positive. And he chucked a telescope off a roof with Neil deGrasse Tyson.