
Classic “we won because of me” and “we lost because of the shitty team”

All the murderous dictators in the world are just going to share copies until they all have Trump wrapped around their finger

Ironic how the right loves to label liberals as snowflakes, when they themselves are terrified of anybody who doesn’t look like them.

this is the correct take on how to shower, thank you

Jensen also told the paper that he was simply trying to carry out a training program that was based in Chinese medicine. “There was nothing sexual in it for me,” he said. According to the lawsuit, Jennings told the athletes that his “program” was designed to increase their testosterone, and involved Jensen anally

Lol you’re smoking that good shit kid, because that is a terrible take. Since you must not be aware, they also concluded that every American has likely to contain some trace amounts of Native American, so by your logic nearly every American could call themselves a Native American, which is wrong for many reasons. 

I would disagree. My friend bought a 2006 Mazda 3 at the same time I bought my 2003 Civic, while his quarter panels have rusted out along with a few other spots, I sport no rust whatsoever. The only difference, I undercoat and he doesn’t.

The car wasn’t rusted when I bought it, and it isn’t rusted now. This past year I did have to scrape off all the undercoating because it was building up, and after scraping it off the car was spotless underneath. Every time I take the car in for inspection the mechanic comments on how solid the body is for a 15 year

That’s bullshit, why would it not work? I don’t even get it professionally done, my father has the spray gun and does the entire family’s cars, and none of them have a spot of rust. 2003 Civic, 2005 Focus, 2012 RVR, 2016 Tacoma, all spotless. 

You ever hear of undercoating? I live on the east coast with a 2003 Civic, not a spot of rust on it.

The flag represents the country, and the country does not give a shit about ALL of its citizens, so these citizens are rightfully protesting the flag (read: country) because their country has left them behind.

The flag is also a meaningless symbol, the only meaning it has is the one you give it. Why anyone would be

even though those teams have a majority of Canadian players?

I myself would feel very owned if they cut their own dicks off so they can’t reproduce......

Great player with a shitty entitled personality*

I hope that bitch breaks his leg in two, get on the field and play the game

The best thing about having a $140K household income and a $1,900 mortgage is no car loans, no debts outside the mortgage, and NO KIDS!

What a bitch, making threats over the internet, go talk to Dana in person you pussy

100% this, my Dad had an ‘88 Chevy diesel, sold it with 400,000kms on the clock and it ticked for many years after that, always worked on it himself.

When he sold it and replaced it with a 2003 Ram he cursed himself for getting rid of such a reliable truck. Apparently the Ram couldn’t handle the plow.

those cuffs make his hands look even smaller

Did any other president hold multiple rallies like this leading up to the midterms? Or is this highly unusual?

Oh wow you found one congratulations, the point is that not many exist, and the most famous ones most likely contain a lot of things people could find offensive. Have fun trying to live in your giant censored bubble you miserable sack of shit.