
hes a fuckboi who wants his 15 minutes of fame to turn into a presidential run when he doesn’t know the first thing about anything and if the Dems don’t win against Trump in 2020 their party should be blasted into the sun

is Trump denouncing the bombs? he’s barely even trying

false flag inception

imagine if you will these packages getting delivered to high level Reps and Trump’s family members, and imagine the response that would get...

Nothing new, this is all over the fox news comment boards, only the left can be guilty of violence, and any violence against the right is simply the left framing them!

Seriously, I think Trump says her name more than Bill does

yeah good thing Splinter didn’t mention the one address to the White House.....

“I wished they covered this up better so I could stop talking about it”

my shocked face 

aw did i hurt your poor little feminist feelings so now you had to grey me?

feel better about yourself now little boy? do you want a lollipop, I think you covered all your bases and said what you’re supposed to say. good boy! here’s a treat...

the dopest dope you ever smoked

“Yes, that’s how it works - do something funny and people cry”

Crazy how someone may not fit into a perfect box and can share views from both sides of the political spectrum! You don’t get out much do you?

Don’t worry I don’t live in your shithole country, I’ll be up here enjoying my freedoms and smoking my legal marijuana

Men can be childish too ya dumb cunt.

Also, a journalist is not somebody who simply reposts actually news and comments on it, those people (like yourself) are called bloggers. I think Santa should bring you a dictionary for Christmas.

Didn’t elect the POS in office, nice try

says the snowflake offended by a costume 

Except Libs are trying to dictate how others should act, and if they don’t comply they get shunned. Continue to get outraged over silly things and waste your time and energy. People could dress as Hitler and some of us might laugh because we don’t take this world so seriously, lighten up Lib.

Dressing up as a black person in no way is racist, nobody is saying they are superior to another race (the definition of racist) they are simply dressing up as a character/person. Stop policing the world Libs, not everybody is going to adhere to your silly made up rules, so deal with it.