Find a mainstream comedian who doesn’t make jokes that somebody somewhere doesn’t find offensive, I’ll wait.... you dumb cunt.
Find a mainstream comedian who doesn’t make jokes that somebody somewhere doesn’t find offensive, I’ll wait.... you dumb cunt.
I mean I could say I’m the most bullied person in the world, I wouldn’t be right, but I could say it.
no i don’t let somebody else’s words get me upset, unlike the lefty loonies and alt-right
You can still treat people with respect while learning the difference between a joke and an insult. How about we stop policing people’s words and giving power to this minority on the internet who loses their collective shit when somebody says something they don’t agree with? You don’t agree with someone’s…
Regarding Trump, I would just say he should be careful not to alienate too many allies, or countries will find a way to do business without America. Easier said than done I realize, but Canada is already looking to increase trade with the EU for example, and China is still going to be producing more goods than the USA…
Yes I meant to comment on that as well as part of my post, NB just elected a majority-right as well. I fear that some of that Trumpness is creeping up north. It may come as a surprise to Americans, but we have lots of gun-toting rednecks up here too who would happily support a Canadian-Trump.
Does calling yourself American give you some sense of false pride? A feeling of greatness because you were born on one side of the wall and not the other? People cling to their nationality because it makes them feel important, it’s a tribal instinct that humans have maintained that sticking to a particular tribe…
I agree that political correctness to a degree in today’s world is overkill, but demanding that the person who holds the position of President should at the very least be respectful towards other world leaders and their own citizens is a bare minimum ask. Not a President who so openly panders directly to his base and…
Oh wow you’ve really opened my eyes pal I had no idea that border agents existed.... I think the point went over your head, I’ll let you go find it.
I’ve only recently been involved in following politics since the rise of Trump, mostly for 3 reasons, I had a roommate at the time who followed American politics (Canadian here) during the presidential election, I took an American history course in university (which I found greatly more interesting than Canadian…
I think you might want to read the law before you comment on it
I think you’re mistaken, for there is no nation that is that great. Your piece of land with lines drawn in the dirt are meaningless, but you hold that flag high because it gives you something to believe in, even if that something is frivolous.
IT’S A JOKE! You’re a useless prick
way to be a Debbie downer, lighten up you frowning old cunt
Are you Canadian? Your name is the legalization date for us folks up north.
0.00% here, cash is king
What’s the most miles you got on a Honda? I’m at 92,000 miles on a 2003 Civic.
fake news we have a great relationship with the Saudi’s
Yes the picture of Trump in his golden condo didn’t load, I guess Kinja didn’t want that shit on their comment board
After spending some time in Europe, mayo is now my preferred fry dipping condiment.