
Let's review the rules for a happy life.

that's great man. For now me and my girl are stuck...uh....65 hours driving apart. Not easy but someday we will be closer. I almost got a job 17 hours away from here which is a lot more managable.

Read all about it if you like. (warning long)

You've never been to africa have you?? Always check tire depth and driver sanity!!!

Don't ever buy a freelander.In case the link gets cut here is the post title "Freelander Problems are Infinite"

Also though we must consider. When the poster says they own a rusty POS like a Cavalier or Corolla....they probably aren't lying. Why would they?

1. Ask for pictures (AKA The SR20 Rule)

Not that it's anything like a mclaren but a while ago my boring old crappy DD had an accident. I got a rental car. Unlimited milleage they said. Okay, I said. I spent many extra hours behind the wheel that week, I put 900 kms on the first week, and something like 2200 kms the 2nd week, all while working 5 days a

I approve of your modus operandi.

We do here too at some places but they 5 cents. I use them as garbage bags anyways so it all comes out in the wash.

Well done, well done.

Friend of mine was driving along Ontario Highway 417 when a deer fell off a railway overpass onto his hood.

Well Hubert, it would be cool if I could drink then flick a switch and get safely driven in my own car. That I will grant. But I like driving very very much, it is one of my top 3 favorite activities.

Robo cars make me sad. :(

I live in Canada. Thank you for this!!!


Now playing

Generally speaking sub saharan africa has the worst drivers. Lanes? Rules? HAHAHA. Where I've gone we have no need for no stinking "rules."

I just want to say that I am very glad Jalopnik brought back answers of the day. Thank you Jalopnik!!

Still a purple. Love that colour.

Yeah, I mean depends a bit on the seller as well, you might be able to up it's nice priceness by offering like 7500 or 8000 and see if he bites too.