
Absolutely love this car, the purple and the transmission swap, but still think it's a bit over priced. Pains me to say, because everything about it is right (except that red loom, c'mon man) but it's more like $6-7K to me.

Come to Nigeria. You'll see a lot.

"They made a brozillion of them, you saw them in every cul-de-sac and subdivision in America for 10 years, then they all just disappeared. You'll still see its competitors from time to time—even in rust-central Pennsylvania where I'm from, a 25-year-old Chevy Lumina or Buick Park Avenue can still be heard

Coupes are already banned from import in Turkmenistan. How would this be allowed?

You're quite welcome. I need to ski more. Damn you finances, and multiple knee injuries.

That's amazing. Am I mega rich yet?

Hello Kate's dirty sister. I submit for your consideration these things.

You're a hero Mcmike!!!

Was just about to put out the McMike signal!

Here in Canada we drive on snow often.

Now playing

And for your viewing pleasure here is someone butchering the Canadian National Anthem.

6000 LBs ramp should indeed be able to hold a triumph. Those cars are about 600 lbs all wet haha

It's getting impossible. Numbers, special characters all this, and then you're not supposed to write them down.

I live about an hour and have north of the terminus of I-83. It's still 65 mph at least for everything north of watertown (except the bridge) and to be honest I though it was 65mph for almost all of it north of Syracuse.

??? I drive in far upstate NY (I'm told it's called the "North Country"and the speed limit on the interstate 83 is 65mph.

Stay awesome Patrick. I like it when you call out journalist B.S.


I hate Montana. Trucks always get stuck there due to gelled fuel. Your winter diesel blend needs more "blend" and less diesel. In Canada, the fuel never freezes. Additives FTW!


One day I nearly slammed into a dignitaries motorcade not realizing it was a motorcade. I was going straight through on a green and they were turning right on a red, the first two cars turned, and me not realizing it was a motorcade almost hit the third when he was going to turn in right in front of me.