
THIS!! In the city, it doesn't matter much, but here on the rural backroad highways and byways of Canada, this is extremely important. It could be a matter of life or death.

I didn't know south Georgia was inhabited. The more you know...

Why? really really from anywhere.

Don't ever let anyone tell you you can't have fun in even the most mundane car.

I grew up rural BC. All we had to watch out for was making sure we didn't park on septic tanks.

Cannot imagine. If she weighed 120 lbs that's at a minimum 12 drinks. My hangovers get really intense after about 8, and I probably weigh almost 2x as much.

It is really a marvel to behold she could do this. .2 is really really drunk. .4 = death for most.

Agreed. The airforce is up at Cold Lake...not Wainright anyways. Word.

But but...I love Mustangs!

I drive a 10 year old beater...these people are everywhere.

I don't get it nice interiors either tbh. I swear to god I do not need a screen in my car.

Donuts are love donuts are life!!!!!

My name is bigbossy and I am a BMW i3 bully.

Oh damn it. I mean different "doesn't" equal good. Oh well. Too early man!

Oh, and if you break one of the hydraulic window switches it'll set you back $11,500. Also, nearly everything in the car is powered by hydraulics, so good luck!

That sounds like an entertaining traffic report "Broken down Mclaren in middle lane on highway 12...." I'd drive by just to get a peak!

A cheap used one is a tempting proposition, but small problem that wouldn't raise an eyebrow in a normal car can total an AMG with a V12.

Fair enough I guess different does equal good though! The side profile just kills me.

Why is it so ugly?