
I'd hit it.

The greatest video tribute to the 190 ever made.

Obligatory "Why did you turn!"

This is the best idea I have ever heard in my life.

If your speeding make sure the cops know your velocity.

Oh. Ok then. I definitely agree that cops shouldn't just blip their lights, it's really annoying when they do that just to go through lights. I almost hit one coming out of a gas station turning left across 5 of traffic in an intersection doing that. Mostly because I wasn't expecting a car to turn left from behind

? The light was red, and the cop didn't stop.

Fine. But a CF was killed at my work this year (he was unarmed when he was shot at point blank range with a shotgun) so I found your comment ridiculously disrespectful.

Don't you ever belittle the CF to me again.

Of course sportsman ship is correlated to the level of competition. Think about auto racing. At very low levels of track days where you run what you brung...the slower cars are supposed to make room for the faster cars to pass. That's the rules. In nascar...well that doesn't happen. that's because you can't make money

It's not, but yeah that road needs a higher speed limit on the Vancouver side. Burnaby is 80 and Vancouver is 50 and the road for all intents and purposes is the same.

Former Vancouver Suburbanite here. Blanket 50 km/h speed limit across city is a bit goofy.

On oppo as of yesterday at 6:46am're slowing down jalopnik.

Owned by dealership yo.

The rear main seal was an especially great mechanical failure. The amount of oil leakage was both incredible and terrifying. I discovered the leak late on a sunday night, so I had to drive into work on Monday (topped up before I left). I was only at work like 5 hours and there was a puddle under the car. You could

Hahaha yup. I just find it amazing, near 10 years to the day after the last one rolled off the line, how many are still around. They & their pontiac twin the sunfire are everywhere still.

I see a routan about once in a blue moon. I am glad you like your Odyssey. I have heard they go fast, but I have never driven one myself so am unable to opine.

Well here you can't drive without insurance (well I supposed you could but it's against the law) but yeah I agree with your general sentiment. However, I am tiring of my car now.

I shouldn't have included tires in that.