Any reason? Or are you just an asshole?
Any reason? Or are you just an asshole?
Well, it’s a private club. I’m sure there are a million clubs with only women in them. And it’s not like they didn’t let women on the premises...Augusta National is an extremely selective and expensive club. They hadn’t invited any women yet. The press likes to make a big deal about this because it’s like playing…
At least they can probably spell “compass”
You’re SO wrong that I have no idea why you posted. The rope barriers in a golf tournament are there to keep spectators from trampling all over the field of play. There are no security guards to keep people in line, no real barricades. Just a piece of twine that you could easily cut with a pocket knife. This is the…
You just sound like a cranky child. Pretty much all golf courses were like that back in the day. Golf was a white men’s game, you can’t retroactively apply today’s logic to actions made decades ago.
Yeah, I’m not that picky about the scent either. That’s the one I currently have. Also those girls were fucking with you.
Yeah, I’m not that picky about the scent either. That’s the one I currently have. Also those girls were fucking with…
Old Spice High Endurance. Fresh flavor. Available everywhere you would ever hope to find deodorant. It’s cheap. It works. It lasts all day. It smells decent. If you have other criteria you don’t truly need deodorant.
Old Spice High Endurance. Fresh flavor. Available everywhere you would ever hope to find deodorant. It’s cheap. It…
How dare they withhold this from us, even for a second.
I would constantly be on the phone with my ISP complaining about individual pornographic videos if I lived in the UK.
I made the mistake of going out for sushi after a round of golf with a friend of a friend who had recently inherited over a million dollars from his parents. Then I was dumb enough to let him order for me. The bill came and we owed $100 each before tax. The worst part was he paid for some of my friend’s bill but not…
Running a red light where I live gets you a $400 fine in the mail. This is inexcusible.
Let me tell you as a Devils fan, in today’s NHL you are WAY better off with a ton of offense and an average goalie than the other way around.
I’m not so sure. Kurt was kind of a dick, wasn’t he? All I hear about Dave Grohl is stories of him tipping $1000 on a single beer and other totally stand up shit.
Yeah, hence the confusion. I guess when I say stole I just mean lost. But they never did admit to it or offer to help me out.
They should never even have opened the hood. I was there for a flat tire.
This was actually my solution to this problem: “Rutgers University’s student government approved a resolution to create additional mascots after many argued the current Scarlet Knight is white and too male to represent the diverse student body.”
Shh. If they take away the dump and chase the Devils have literally no way to enter the zone.
Perhaps someone can help me out with this, since I too once accused a shop of stealing something and I have no other explanation for it. I went to a local shop when I was in college because I had a flat tire and I wanted to see if they could fix it. The idiots at this shop couldn’t find the leak in the tire (I took it…
Cal Ripken Jr. spoke at my graduation (University of Delaware, 2008). Best grad speech I’ve heard, and he’s almost definitely the least educated person I’ve ever witnessed give a speech like that.
As a Devils fan, I knew Kovy was behind this as soon as I saw the headline. So talented, unbelievably dickish.