Titanius Anglesmith

I've been thinking of seeing if I can get out of my lease on my BMW to get a FiST. The reasoning goes like this: I love my car (428i) but it's really better for the highway than around town (I almost never drive on the highway for more than a few miles) and it's too expensive for me to want to have fun in it. Also,

If they move the rear wheels closer to the back of the car, I will most likely buy one. Having had a Mini before, let me tell you the lack of body overhang is awesome. If it is RWD I might never not have a boner while driving it.

No mention of survivorship bias, inflation, or the fact that the Dow is a worthless indicator because it is price weighted. Pretty much exactly what I expected, I give you a D.

Holy shit imagine if they just dumped a season of Top Gear on us all at once. I wouldn't even bother getting up to not shit myself.

Yeah I feel like NY got screwed by the personal safety ranking of 28. Especially if you know where to go and where to avoid (and how to use a damn crosswalk), probably no crime will ever happen to you. I certainly think it's safer than LA. But, this is the internet and we are just supposed to ignore the almost

When I bought my second car, the finance dude pushed GAP insurance real hard and I refused. The guy insisted that I get it and gave it to me "at cost" which apparently was $400 or so instead of the $1000 they wanted to charge me, which was good enough for me.

My sister was in the car with her husband and two girls (ages maybe 3 years and a few months) when their crappy Subaru broke down. The three year old got really upset because the car didn't work, so my sister took her for a walk in the woods while they waited for a tow truck. The walk failed to calm her down, and she

Leslie used to write funny and interesting posts for Gizmodo and now she just reposts other people's Instagram feeds. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

That's definitely too often. Sometimes it happens, you just don't click with a job or management made a mistake and the project you were on was cancelled or something. But if you can't hold onto a job for a year that's a pretty big red flag, it either means you aren't as good as you look on paper or you're just going

Two reasons: No Cost Maintenance, and I don't own any tools on this side of the country (I had to buy a hammer the other day, not kidding)

Reefer Madness. You heard it here first.

Car + Flux Capacitor + 88 mph =/= Time Travel. It equals sadness and crushed childhood dreams.

What's the point of this post? Anyone interested in hockey will find out through other means, and it's not like you put any effort into it or explained who the remaining competition for the Norris Trophy is. Also, anyone who isn't interested in hockey probably has no idea what the Norris Trophy is.

Four wheels good, six wheels better.

HA! I grew up around the corner from Brookdale. It was just a matter of time before some rich entitled cokehead did something to put that place on the map.

LOL you guys are too funny. Put away Jim Cramer's Mad Money and go back to the ponies you degenerate fuck.

Risk theory? I'm pretty damn well educated in this field and I'd like to know what "risk theory" I'm missing. I seem to remember saying this:

If you can show me how this has ANYTHING to do with the "Law of Large Numbers" I will be quite impressed.

Again, it doesn't have to usually be anything. As Keynes said: "Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent" meaning it doesn't have to follow a pattern and you have no idea what's going to happen.