Titanius Anglesmith

It doesn't have to "usually" do anything. It's your money and what happens to it when you invest it is what happens. Listen, I'm not saying that you can't make more money by investing earlier. Of course you can! It's simple multiplication. But the article makes absolutely no note of the fact that instead of making

As a diehard Devil's fan, I am really sad to see him go.

Yes, that's generally the answer. Like I said, you can't predict it. If you could choose each month either the return on treasuries or the return on markets based on knowing ahead of time what the better of the two was, you would be fantastically wealthy. But since you can't do that, you can end up getting screwed

Consider this: a scenario where the market (ie your portfolio) declines fairly uniformly to -4% by the end of April, then raises uniformly to end the year at 4%. In the top case, you deposit 10k into your starting balance of 90k on January 1st and in the bottom case you deposit the 10k on April 1st. See that you end

I understand that you simplified the scenario. I just think that you oversimplified it...obviously if you increase two numbers by the same percentage, the larger number will have a larger gain. My point is that if you decrease the two numbers by the same percentage, the larger number will have a larger loss. And there

And contributing to your IRA in January could cost you thousands as well. If step onto the street and by a freak accident you break your leg, that will most likely cost you thousands of dollars.

Yeah dude. I get it. It was a joke.

In some of the other images they are lights

Also front. Don't forget the front exhaust.

Now playing

Scott Stevens would like a word about that...

I saw this video earlier this week and I was shocked that nobody pointed out that they used the same noise EVERY SINGLE TIME the wheels broke traction. But I guess that's YouTube comments for you.

I have 2 license of them just happens to still be in my trunk. It counts, right?

I think you are seeing causality where it doesn't exist. I'm guessing you mean around the 1950's on? I would point primarily to the massive growth in GDP and household wealth that occurred from then until now, personally.

Next up is salt. My sister, who is a medical doctor, has informed me that the guidelines for sodium intake are not only based on very little science, but may actually be guiding people towards consuming not enough sodium.

Musk calls them "Fool Cells" btw.

I don't spend much time in LA, I live in Orange County but the people here aren't so much bad drivers as they are jerks. When walking around people are friendly as hell, but get them behind the wheel and they will cut you off for no reason and with extreme prejudice, even though they have to go back the way they came

HA! The STI is clearly for people with far too much class to drive a BMW.

Sure, if you have something minor like the flu. But try going to the ICU with a heart condition. You will stay in that bed for probably at least 23 hours and 50 minutes a day (if you are capable of making it to the toilet to shit, that is. Otherwise, it's going to be a full 24 hours.)

close enough in size and price to the Silverado to make that the better option?

I personally use the Le Creuset skillet, which is cast iron covered in enamel. This cuts down on some of the downsides of cast iron skillets (seasoning, weakness to acidic foods) while still having the heft and thermal capabilities of a normal cast iron pan. The downside to this is that it costs about as much as a