Titanius Anglesmith

Native New Jerseyan, living in Orange County, CA here. I have one tattoo and I am constantly asked why I only have one. We all regularly have very little clothing on (pool parties are a fairly constant thing) and let me tell you EVERYONE between the ages of 18 and 45 has a tattoo in California from what I've seen.

Corey Schneider's ride to the game.

The NFL should stop all charity efforts and just admit that they are for the most part terrible people, then we don't have to feel bad about the awful physical repercussions they will suffer. Everyone wins but the Make-A-Wish kids.

Hmm no. You should also expect to tip.

I was a waiter for a while and I can tell you that staying calm is the best tip. Going out to eat should be an enjoyable experience, and the person most likely to ruin that experience is the customer. Remember, you have a person serving you. It could be worse. Enjoy yourself, allow the server to be human, and tip well

He only does this for a living.

Hows the i3? Do you like it?

I'm sure there are a ton of hybrids too, I just don't notice them during my hungover trudge from car to office because they look too similar to their normal counterparts, for the most part. But no, I've never seen a Panamera Hybrid charging there.

I work in Newport Beach, CA. My office's garage has an electric vehicle plug in station, and it is ALWAYS full. There's a Tesla Roadster (bright orange!) parked in there, along with God knows how many Model S's and even a Fisker Karma. Among the rich, at least here in California, opulence means being green and kale

Ansel Adams' work doesn't even look special to the layman, due to technological advances. I saw a bunch of his photos at the Getty Museum and I had to ask someone why they were in the museum (I had never heard of him before).

This is something they teach you in first grade. Next article...after running through first base, should you turn right or left?

I mean, if you have the money and your other options are staying in completely unlocked, open spaces, why not? At least you will be semi protected and you can regulate the temperature around you.

Did you have a car? If not, did you check the car rental places?

My friends have it every time we drink. I'd rather have rubbing alcohol. Or Listerine.

Am I the only one who thinks Fireball is fucking disgusting and shouldn't be called whiskey?

Now playing

The Devils got one of these over the offseason and recently showed it off at the home opener.

I believe you had to lease it, so it's possible that it was a CPO.

You are correct sir. Was going to make the same comment.


You're being a bit harsh. If that's what it takes for someone to be a little healthier, is it really harming you?