Zur En Arrh

Finally, a rational explanation of why Peter’s aunt is old enough to be his great-grandmother.

People are so determined to “outsmart" movies by finding “plotholes" that it sometimes feels like they forgot how to actually watch and pay attention to movies and just end up sounding stupid.

They’re also likely the same people who complain about how the bombs fell or Holdo’s choice of attire in TLJ. 

SERIOUSLY. Both io9 and here have been acting like it’s some HUGE question that couldn’t possibly be answered when it’s the most obvious fucking thing in the world.

Short of having Peter turn to the camera and explain in words of one syllable, I honestly don’t know how Endgame could have been any fucking clearer that no time at all had passed for the people who were snapped. These are probably the same assholes who acted like Harry Potter was supposed to be 11 throughout the


That’s an interesting take. I like all three, and I think Day is underrated (some people think it is terrible, which is unfair — it is certainly better than Romero’s later Land and Diary, if those count at all), but you are the first person I’ve heard consider it their favorite.

My defining moment for this film is Spider-Man going out of his way to save Vulture’s life after their final confrontation. To me, that’s Peter Parker, a guy who would risk his life to save someone who was just trying to kill him.

I just act sober and it works out fine. Has worked in the past with cops, coworkers, family members, etc...

It’s your new baseline!

Don’t forget the alternative to “I have a cold”: ”I am taking antihistamines for an allergic infection” routine.

Fool! Pagan! What good are your chicken-blood spattered gods against the ravenous maw of the singularity?!

To most people, the bleep bloops and flashing lights of a Com-Puter are voodoo enough. To the rest, adding the port number to end of an IP address will bump it into Sumerian Blood God level of technomancy.  

I’ll second that! Food for thought, does weed really cause paranoia -or- is it because you’re deep in the thought that you’ve done something taboo?

I’m happy that this looks terrible. 

It's harder to kick him when the first time you notice him is when he cuts your Achilles tendon from under your bed.

Don’t forget the other secret: Always be high.

No voodoo?  Fuck off with that shit.

Cool. Still need human trials before I believe anything whatsoever about it.

I just don’t get this. I voted to legalize the recreational use of marijuana in my state and regularly enjoy it. But, this obsession over CBD is becoming disturbing. People claim that it cures about 90% of our illnesses, aches and pains. It’s being put into everything. It’s dosages are not fully regulated. There is