That sounds beyond repulsively terrible.
That sounds beyond repulsively terrible.
Addendum: people still think I’m weird and borderline unapproachable even though this show ‘normalizes’ ASD
Username checks out in principle.
It really is that simple. But hey, clicks.
Hi there more than a year later.
What a bullshit comment
I’m also able to consider that I may be doing the same. No worries. Regardless it’s shit movie.
No way I’m defending the movie. I despise it. I just didn’t have a problem following the admittedly ridiculous internal logic. People don’t act like people in his films is my main problem, therefore situations play out in these awkward, stilted jumbled of half coherent ideas.
Haha, my people finally. He’s helplessly terrible and always has been.
Absolute bottom of the list. Possibly tied w Clooney. At least Clooney is a real actor.
Hard to make the old money aspect work. Northeastern snobbery. Etc. one of the very few characters where ethnicity might be hard to change change.
It wasn’t a fucking plot point. It was just a stupid Chekov’s Piss Jar.
It means Affleck has been looking roooooooouuuuuugh lately for obvious reasons. Hope he sorts it out.
Which misses the point of the comic book art form entirely.
I second this comment.
It makes plenty of sense in the theatrical cut, it’s just a meme at this point that people say “it doesn’t make sense.” It DOES make sense, it’s just incredibly stupid and mean and comically dark and adolescent.
Snyder’s plots make sense, they’re just...stupid. They are laughably easy to follow, they’re just coming from a bad starting point.
Too old for what they’re going for. Would rather Brolin for a more aged Bruce.