Sure, sure, gym was very impressive display of male human form, whatever it was.
Sure, sure, gym was very impressive display of male human form, whatever it was.
EDIT: misread
Same. The scene in Civil War where he benches the helicopter though....damn.
I thought it was established that Whedon was doing work some time before the tragedy with Snyder’s daughter.
They only hold reviews back until the last minute if they know they have a bomb. See: Justice League.
By the nature of its very existence it’s more than just ‘a fun superhero movie.’ Surely you can see that.
“Starting to question the credibility of RT...”
Oh stop. This isn’t a human rights issue. It’s like fucking sports. One side yells, the other side yells.
Why in the fuck....this is bad.
They’re braver than you thought.
Do you get in the car and drive every day? You’re taking a much, much bigger chance if so. When was the last time you rode a train?
She’s a goddess walking the earth.
What’s a Nubian?
I’m almost 36 and I feel like I finally understand for the first time
That movie never gets enough love.
I am not a rider nor do I have any real experience with or interest in bikes, but I did work for H-D for a year-and-a-half and have seen a lot of the stuff you people are talking about in the comments.
This made me laugh pretty hard.
“Show me some violent jerks for a chunk of a season and not only am I not gonna like them, I’m not going to care about them or want to invest time in them.”
That’s kind of what turned me off in the first place. Everyone is fairly unlikeable and/or annoying (I really tried to like Stamets and Tilly, I did, but they’re fucking annoying, and everyone else is an unrepentant prick). Again, I need to actually finish the show but it came so frontloaded with this stuff that it…
I have to give it a shot of course. It’s Star Trek. I am too weak....