Yeah, the reviews on this site since the show picked back up have made me want to return, mostly. Guess I can’t judge without seeing it for myself.
Yeah, the reviews on this site since the show picked back up have made me want to return, mostly. Guess I can’t judge without seeing it for myself.
Yeah...but it reuses the ending of the first and has all those whack rehearsal scenes and silly CGI added to the ‘villains wrecking earth’ sequence. It’s an interesting piece of film history but still pretty unwatchable to me. The first film will always be the only one that really works for me. Stressing the ‘for me’…
I’m not a big fan of II but the Phantom Zone gang steals the show. “He’s a general!”
There’s no getting laid or jerking off in this story. Disappointed.
This is the only Giz site I’m not grey on and they ungreyed me within an hour of joining. Pretty awesome. I wish i had the power to pull my fellow contributors out.
Nah, fuck those people.
GOOD. Fuck the people who can’t put their devices away for a movie or a concert or a live art performance. It’s insipid and disrespectful to EVERYONE involved. Buy the goddamn DVD or just, you know, ENJOY IT WHILE IT IS HAPPENING. Your social capital and likes and instagram posts will mean nothing when you’re shitting…
Fuck yeah.
The weight I feel radiating off your comments is really speaking to me right now.
Me too, farscythe. Me too.
Deactivating/deleting my social media and pretending I’m living in the 90s still has significantly lowered my anxiety levels. And I don’t have the secret desire to say ‘nigger’ or ‘faggot’ or what have you to anyone, or myself, in private or in public, so....unplug a little, people. Take back a little control of your…
That sounds like an awful time.
Ew no.
Hey! Not all greys are plebs. I too was once a grey. So were you. Some have been stuck there, commenting for years and trying to have a good engaging time while massive trolls get brought out on the reg.
No. It would be like 19 year old kids now not remembering 9-11. Which is already happening. One of the new guys I work with was 6 when it happened. SIX. In a universe where most people seem illiterate, there is little press, and there is constant war, it totally makes sense. Rey and Finn are that six year old, er,…
She’s stunning.
.....I know.
I really needed to read this. Usually don’t even click on these sponsored posts but this really hit me in the right spot. I’ve been in a creative slump since ... years, really. And it keeps getting worse. Yes the world has something to do with it but it’s mostly mental illness and substance abuse recovery. Thanks.