Zur En Arrh

Welcome to reality. It’s awful.

Definitely a watch for me. The first one was a total surprise and very good. I was fully expecting something like the Chipmunks/Garfield/Smurfs films. Just utter trash. But it turned out great.

It’s real bad. I need an ankle monitor...I’m lost....

Really sick of the ‘building hope’ trend. Since it’s no longer fashionable to have anything be old fashioned wholesome-heroic anymore. JL, STD, etc. I don’t mind some naive optimism in my fiction especially nowadays.



I don’t....I don’t understand what I’m looking at. Have I finally become old?

You’re fun, geez

Don’t do that

Insufferable article. You’re not old, stop. You’re in your 20s. Just fucking stop.

My heart absolutely starting SINKING when they went into that opening Hugs but. I was like, “Oh no. It’s all over.” But it recovered fairly quickly.

Well...this sounds like the bro-est thing that ever bro’d. Hard skip.

I feel like this should be nominated for an award, this comment

Okay. Cool. Glad you responded. Thanks. Good job. Nice work.

I figured that out after his last reply to me and reading your exchange with him. Just a prick unable to have a conversation.

Holy shit you’re just an uptight prick, for real.

Oh okay. So you’re just an asshole. Got it.

Not quite a 1:1 comparison. Lucas didn’t go through replacing sexual abusers and offenders and predators. Can we find a better comparison, or was I not clear enough with my original post? Again, this is all hypothetical and not meant to invoke the snark I seem to have tapped into. No one is ‘crying tears of blood’

Yes I know that. Nowhere did I say it was rewriting history. And you’ve mentioned as much many, many times within this comment thread. I was asking for your thoughts on that situation that I asked you about, specifically. Not whether or not it was changing reality or rewriting history. It was a hypothetical. Thanks

This is a complete hypothetical and not meant to start a fight, just curious about your thoughts: what if someone proposed to replace Kevin Spacey in The Usual Suspects with another actor, compositing him or her into Spacey’s scenes? Or any other piece of shit who has committed similar acts. Now, I don’t find Spacey’s