Zur En Arrh

I’m starting to think that a lot of people haven’t ACTUALLY watched the OT in quite some time.

They didn’t burn the texts, dude. Rey snagged them.

We can hope. But I don’t think BDW is in very good shape nowadays, unfortunately.

I must say, I think you mistook someone else’s review for me.

It took me about two days but I came to the same conclusion. This film is genius, and as subversive as you can get for a big budget shareholder-stroking mega-film. It’s truly brilliant.

I hated all of that at first. After a day or two of reflection I absolutely love it.

Leia literally used/tapped into the Force in Empire and Jedi.

Yeah, people seem to be forgetting how conflicted and angry and impulsive he was throughout the OT (like his father before him).


Well, you know what I mean. That kid was great. And I quite liked the voice acting. And everything else.

Obi Wan is clearly a pathological liar

Very in line with the themes of the film, your advice is. I did quite love it, I can say that with confidence. Even though some of the millennial humor and the cute creature stuff was pretty off-putting. This is the first big budget super duper film in a while that actually made me FEEL. I’m going to see it again in

I didn’t like that they bailed on killing him...but I’m also glad they didn’t kill the, like, third or fourth black man in the galaxy.

Haha yes! And speaking of which, seeing Yoda was a big surprise since I somehow managed to avoid all spoilers for this movie. I’m so glad they nailed the original puppet look.

I truly hated that thirty seconds Maz was onscreen, honestly.

OH man the Avengers trailer was sooooo good seeing it up on that big screen. Thanos FINALLY felt like he was a character and didn’t look like a rubbery cartoon.

I absolutely loved the riff that Luke goes on when he lays out the hypocrisy of the Jedi. He said what we’ve all been thinking since the PT.

Agree with a lot of this and I’m even more disappointed now that Jar Jar Abrams is finishing out the trilogy. Rian should be the chosen one. There is so much going on in this film that I’m still processing.

He has Out-of-shape-in-shape-guy-from-the-50s buff bod.

Every time Luke was onscreen I was 5 again, dressed up as him in ROTJ at my kindergarten Halloween party. He was unbelievably good. That was the first time a Star Wars movie had made me feel very emotional, to the point of welling up, in a long long time.