Zur En Arrh

This world is too far gone for me....if the Internet is shackled, it does little to strengthen or dampen my resolve to move as far away from people as possible—the irony being, of course, that I would want to work from home, away from people, using the internet. But really, I just don’t care about much of anything

This is a man whose career I’ve followed since the beginning and with every film he makes, I come to like him less. And it retroactively makes me like his work less, because the seams start showing. mother! was ... an impressive technical feat but gave me the creeps in the wrong way. Like, in the ‘this guy is a creepy

Maybe...don’t do things like that.

This is a follow up to one of the best comics ever written about DC characters give it a shot

Perhaps they were jokingly referring to employees as inmates, as we often do at my place of employment when referring to ourselves.

Needs moar spittle but pretty damn good otherwise.

I was .... you know what, you’re just defending a tone deaf statement about women so I’m out.

It’s the casual objectification. You can dress it up with qualifiers, details and excuses like you just did but it’s just the same casual objectification that we see day in, day out, ad nauseam. Using biology to excuse away objectification is a transparent and tired act.

Likewise, shithead. I’m pretty sure you weren’t talking about Weisz.

You are clearly in need of more experiences with women all over the age spectrum. And comparing them to stale biscuits pretty much invalidates anything you have to say, ever.

Data was always striving to be more human. Lor didn’t give a shit.

Stop it. The pics are funny; the desire to kill other humans is disturbing.

Poor Geordi. Never can catch a break.

“Hoping to reach a height of 1800 feet”

“The prime years”? You suck, pal.

While I’ll never watch it again, it was indeed an experience with a lot of thought put into it and a truly visceral feel. But to suggest that people who aren’t ‘getting’ something are well-heeled ingrates is fairly rude.

Can’t wait.

Ass in seat. Yeah, I was typing on my phone, with a cracked screen, probably when I should’ve been doing something else.

Ugh too late but obvious typos are obvious typos. “horror films.”

Are you saying that Mother is a horror film like Requiem for a Dream or Kids are horrobdilms? Because I’m all in if that’s what you’re saying. Kidding, I was all in already. Aranofsky = add in seat, no trailer, no synopsis, not even a title needed really.