I was going to see this movie based on it being his new film alone, and haven’t read ANY spoilers or seen trailers or even read a synopsis....and your description just makes me want to see it even more.
I was going to see this movie based on it being his new film alone, and haven’t read ANY spoilers or seen trailers or even read a synopsis....and your description just makes me want to see it even more.
You’re a real neckbeard, huh
Well that is highly disturbing
Why would the sex doll be holding a knife or a welding tool?!??!?!
Doll...rental. Ewwww.... but if it helps ...
will do.
What is happening to reality
That looks awesome. But they kind of showed the whole movie!
Well, the bad guy was a white dude from her enclave (formerly), but yeah, it was still bad. And I love Tilda Swinton.
Those scared white ladies probably enjoy the fact that their vehicle looks like a cop vehicle. Which is very gross.
For many people it’s all they have. In reality. The place where so many commenters seem to not live.
Bryan Singer is directing this? Fuck. Well, looking forward to his Xanax-induced directing style being applied to Freddie Mercury. /s
As someone who has lived in close proximity of BPD for some time now, much love and luck to you. People are incredibly ignorant of this affliction.
I love kombucha. It’d be nice if there is some health benefit but I’ll keep drinking it because I fucking love it. That sour, fizzy, fermented goodness.
Palpatine is insulted bY your comparison.
Fellow human, my weed consumption has SKYROCKETED since King Shit entered the White House.
I like the shot of her doing the shot of. Crown Royal. Even though doing shots of crown royal is super white and lame