Zur En Arrh

Seriously. Use that knowledge to alleviate all suffering in sentient beings and that’s a big step in the right direction. I jumped ship back when they chopped Morrison’s run off at the knees to do Nu52. He was taking it in a great new direction with Batman Inc. and moving the character into the future. The story

SPOIL IT, MAN! I’m never going to read this shit, tell me the secret!

So dumb.

Al this universe rebooting every few years is why I left DC behind. “This story takes place BEFORE this but after that” vague backstory repeating the same motifs again and again bullshit

So how does this jive with ‘no secks before marriage’?

Obviously the poor man suffered brain damage from the carbon freeze, don’t blame him.

So you are a clone bigot. Clone lives matter too.

What a bunch of petulant man-children nonsense.

Shit like this is why I stopped reading comics unless it was fairly self contained stories collected in trade paperback form.

Fucking terrible.

I’ve never heard ‘span the gauntlet.’ Heard ‘spam the gamut.’

He does, a few times, in First Contact. It’s pretty great.

Cyborg has a goofy name and has always looked stupid. They need to figure that out.

What a terrible and stupid article.

Just cruising through bored but the picture for the post reminded me of how great Addams Family Values is.

That’s no moon.

Well they do exist and Lucas wrote the rules so you are shit out of luck by some 10+ years, pal. Get over it.

Not that far.

Hey now, a bunch of unnamed background Rebel fighters got it in the first scene!

While your viewpoint may or may not be valid (I'm just here for the free entertainment), what can anyone of us do about his alleged ripping off of stuff? Artists rip each other off all the time, always have, always will. Just...let it go, Indy.