Zur En Arrh

and then Ash comes in and wastes them all

oh my god, I remember hearing about this movie and rolling my eyes all disgusted because there was NO way it could be good. Then one night after heavy drinking a friend brought it over. This guy was about as pretentious a film aficionado as you can get, and we thought it was going to be a hate watch session.

so everyone here is pretty much shitting on the movie...has anyone actually watched it? I'm thinking not so much.

i would


your assessment of scarecrow is rather lacking in substance of you think the best thing he did was give batman a shot to say that line in TAS

Are you going to spam this in every post today? Use some original thought instead of a video over and over.

So why exactly are you bitching about Superman's powers if you think it's all bullshit? no one has a gun to your head.

fuck yeah

Dude, MK has been cartoony since the second one.

I thought it was the other way around: Voyager made it to Borg space and they turned it into V'Ger and sent it back home to see what technological civilization it had come from, and to start in that direction. Or something. I thought Roddenberry had spoken on that specifically.

that's a pretty slick gif there

Those look like Mrs T's, get some homemade shit

My god. I can't even imagine the horror of being a young girl, even just a young person, in school today.

kinda she is the write you know

ok dude. I didn't realize it wasn't clear that I was playing around, but now I'm not, because your assertion is dead wrong, storywise.

I always watch fan films with the sound off first time around. Not sure helps me concentrate on the production values and the staging and the blocking. Too much with the histrionics, just like every other fan film. They play everything for the cheap seats, over the top gesticulating, I guess due to having

Yet another person who did not pay attention to the films. Midichlorians are not THE Force, they are the biological medium through which the Force speaks to sentient beings. This is explicitly stated by Qui-Gon to Anakin in Episode I.

No. Superman stores massive amounts of solar energy like a battery. His powers do not immediately disappear like that. They take time to wane. Unless he is physically exerting himself beyond normal means, i.e. during his fight with Doomsday.

But they do.