
Show me on this cup of yogurt where the bad man touched you.

We need a forcefield to keep all these “trekkies” from sneaking into our galaxy and taking our slave princesses.

Sting was handsome when he was young.

We all know John Wayne Gacy was a guy who killed numerous children and that his day job was a clown for kids birthday parties. It says something about coulrophobia when the fact he dressed up as a clown is creepier than the fact he was a serial killer.

Contact your bank or card issuer. They should be able to help you issue a chargeback if Foundation doesn’t do right by you. In many cases I have found just mentioning you are doing a charge back makes businesses more friendly on refunds.

That pipe is for the Fleshlight option. In the case you are a REAL car lover.

I really like that color/paint and the hints of red, but it is a bit too much on the “If Batman drove a Honda” side on the styling part.

This is great. I just ordered a Pi3 from Amazon for $8 dollars (no shipping) a few days ago. The seller was a new shop out of Canada.

Who is that cat in the picure with Iliza Shelsinger?

This. Boxer briefs are a lie. All the appearance of comfy boxers, but combined with all the dick throttling, bag sweating properties, of wrapping your junk in a warm tortilla and a wool sock.

So it’s the Academy Awards for smart people?

I just chalked that up to the police writing down what they were told by the child involved. I assumed it wasn’t them actually saying it was consensual, just that the kid said it was. Otherwise it’s Friday morning breakfast wrecking level of creepy.

Eric Stoltz has really let himself go.

I am voting for Shitstorm

Helmet or not I know my guy is not a real stormtrooper. I actually hit some of the things I am shooting at.

Here we see an image of Fallon’s hand taken after the show.

Are we talking about Fallon or Trump? I support your efforts in either direction. Let me know if I need to hold your phone or coffee.

Is it cheating if I use seeing his name as the writer to conclude it’s going to be bad and then save myself having to read three sentences of his inane bullshit?

As my dad told me when I was young and asked why he never mowed the yard, “Why do you think I had children?”

I am trying to work on giving up my job to start my own blog. I have it all setup but I can’t figure out how to monetize just posting pictures of myself and my two dogs watching Netflix and eating breakfast from The Flying Biscuit. Anyone know of an angel investor with a passion for friendly dogs and pictures of a guy