

Here is what is not relevant in this situation.

Because holding all that inside will just make more of a mess than their lives already are. Forgiveness isn’t just about the person who wronged you. It’s about moving past that event to try and have a normal life again.

My fingers are crossed for the new Camelot game.


If it’s a private school it doesn’t have anything to do with legal. It’s a private school. They can boot you out for anything they like for the most part.

Hunter here as well. I already have most of the transmogs I want anyway. Except that damn bow from BT. Numerous trips and I still can’t get thing to drop. I supposed I should not be surprised. It took me a lot of tries before I got the priest staff I wanted.

Red Dead 2: Redder, Deader, Revengier.

And it doubles as a safe space for people to fart in without bothering their co workers.

It’s a nicotine terrarium.

Not to be combative, but how do you know that pirates would buy the game?

Regardless of what you think about the kneeling during the anthem issue, that is a majestic afro. You could hide a fucking VCR in that thing!

What exactly is wrong with drinking milk with a steak? I will give you some latitude if the milk is fat free. That shit is just white water.

Anyone that is still on the fence about him at this point isn’t going to be swayed.

While I applaud their action of suspending Bush, is there a reason it took 11 FUCKING YEARS? Or is AH just awful and don’t care so much until they are caught?

How about rescuing a senior dog for him? That would remove the need for him to have to train, etc a puppy and deal with puppy exuberence. It would be calm, most likely at least house trained and a better fit for his lifestyle. It would still have a need for some exercise but not as much, assuming your FIL is mobile

This should have a lot more stars friend! Here’s one from me!

So you are starting your argument at the point where it was a box cutter and not a knife? As if one is less lethal than the other?

Moschel inadvertently made a good argument against concealed carry, saying that he usually carries a gun, and that the vandal would probably be dead if he’d been packing.

If I follow this logic, does this mean that if someone makes me angry, then I have consent to kick the shit out of them?