
Why are we complaining? She looks fantastic. And this is not high drama.

I’ve been stung by a red paper wasp a couple of times. I must say that I am not surprised it is 3 on the schmidt scale. One got me on the ankle walking up some deck stairs (built a nest under deck). It literally felt like I had been shot or something. I collapsed immediately from the pain on my ankle.

Agree with the sentiments. As a Jewish person, i DESPISE this trend of calling things

Fucking frat boy spiders.

Why does it look like the Smurfs’ hidden village is on Pandora?

Now playing

As I was typing it, I was thinking “don’t do it, Jack, this is way too long a stretch to reference a stupid YouTube video” and I was right. I totally understood your initial (hilarious) post, I was just banking way too hard on a joke that wasn’t there. But in return for the laugh, this was what I was referring to:

Who said I’m not gonna get a shelter pup? Come on, Dingo.

Meesa wipe out all rebel doo doo.

Well, it doesn’t help that the Snoke figure comes with a replaceable Jar Jar head now does it?

That’s quite a “web-shooter” you got there.

Quick - movie studio - hire me for $50 million so I can cancel Robin Hood: Origins and save you the $100 million you’re going to lose on a movie absolutely no one cares about.

Oh god...

Sure seems like there’s an awful lot of selfies being taken on that Spider-Man: Homecoming set...

Skeletor propaganda will not stop talking about the - terrorizing his minions.

I actually mean that squirrels and their fleas are Yersina Pestis carriers (along with prairie dogs . . . it’s endemic in the US southwestern states). But, yeah. Cute does a lot.

Worth noting: at least one of those kids has *already* been on Broadway. This show’s child cast is going to be one of those rare shows that have a whole bunch of break out successes among the kids.

I would like superhero films to stop pandering to China, too.

But what about Lloyd!? Won’t someone please think of Lloyd?