
Pretty sure they are being handles like the Harry Potter group they’Lloyd all be fine

Clearly one of her squirrelly powers is the power squirrels have to make people think they’re cute and cuddly instead of plague-flea-carrying rodents. Squirrel Girl can convince people that she’s on their side and totally a-okay, not a menace.

Fucking brilliant.

And this guy will now be known as “-”:

So she’s secretly the Scarlet Witch’s sister. That'll be the big event next summer, House of M 2.

I feel like there’s only one thing missing:



I thought she was a female Noob Saibot. In fact I wouldn’t be suprised if they dug up that costume from the Mortal Kombat Annihilation storage bins.


Anyone else not a huge fan of the Avengers Porsche HQ? It just feels like they’re working out of an office park or something.

With that moon* so close, wouldn’t those waves be a tad bigger?

Or we see him rowing still and then one of the Euron’s Ironborn ships runs right into him. Afterwards we see Gendry treading water in the middle of the ocean, and finally he slowly loses the energy to keep himself afloat and sinks to the bottom of the ocean. Hopefully, we see a shark finish him off, so all the fans

Man, Cameron really dropped the ball on Avatar. It's been so long since the first one that I don't think anyone gives a shit about a new one.

Keep Snyder away and this could be the best movie in their universe.

Hm, that suit looks like they simply re-Nolan-ized it.