
I would never be able to watch Toy STory, and the “Snake in My Boot” line would just...

Who didn’t enjoy Transformers: Age of Consent? Clearly his best work.

It could be worse. It could be Jared Leto.

Adventure Time is fantastic.

Good possibility you will, especially the first four seasons. Very creative show with subtle adult themes (including sexual innuendo).

Adventure Time is definitely not exclusive to stoners, lol.

Don’t cry for the Simpsons it’s already dead.

It is legitimately fascinating what manages to stick around in pop culture and what doesn’t.

Firefly was a failed, one-season TV series on Fox barely watched by anyone, and it found its audience post-cancellation. So many other solid one-season genre series have come and gone since then and been completely forgotten

As a legally blind cosplayer, one of the previous finalists for the Eastern Championships of Cosplay, and a fan who has been going to this con since 2006, I’m so sad I can’t make it out this year. New job starts on the 3rd, so butts for me. But I hope you al have fun!

You have not experienced true cinema until you’ve seen Jar-Jar filibustering in IMAX 3D.

Unless you’re Luke and Leia.

First thing I did after I saw that gif. Thank you my fellow geeks with too much free time! :D

I’m changing my vote to porn names and if not when they inevitably make the porn version of Jumanji I can’t wait to see the actual porn names.

You had the two most recognizable characters together in a movie for the first time in the most popular genre of movies going right now and manage not to make $900 million.

The problem with successful mediocrity is that it never prompts you to get better. I’d rather have either an out and out failure or a smash hit to create that sense of, “Oh shit, what do we do now to follow this?”

Her outfit is Zika approved.

Or this: