
I would never be able to watch Toy STory, and the “Snake in My Boot” line would just...

Eh! Everyone knows you only go to IMDB to look at Actor’s work and compare heights.

I think any actor can edit their own age at any time.

You’d think a bill to protect hollywood children from paparazzi and tabloids would be more important...

Will any actor look as good as Keanu Reeves does at 52 yrs old?

Traces of poison pineapple were found in Snow White’s stomach.

Probably just asked his cousin, Jethro Jr, to borrow them from his deep south pals.

I hope not everyone starts doing 80s style nostalgia shows. It is a style. They’re not easy to get right, and a bunch of poorer offerings would cheapen the whole genre. Remember when superhero genre became cheapened by movies like Daredevil, Ghost Rider, Superman Returns, Blade: trinity, Hulk, Elektra. The genre

But liking Family Guy immediately invalidates any views you may have about any work of animation.

Matt Groening himself came on stage, a very rare appearance, and said that Adventure Time was his favourite show. This, of course, was back a few years ago when Adventure Time was still the most amazing cartoon on TV. There’s video of it online.

Bob’s Burgers was a show that started out as something I thought I’d really dislike, sort of like a Family Guy lite. However, I’ve grown to really like the series, especially as it’s gotten a lot better, and it has that old school family cartoon charm that Simpsons had, but a bit more adult and adventurous.

They’re saving that for Justice League Dank

The kind of uber you organise on your phone?

It’s no coincidence that we haven’t seen Weaving in anything in a while and now he’s all kissy kissy to the hand he bit back in 2012.

A show that was once the greatest cartoon in the world lampooning A show that was once the greatest cartoon in the world on its couch gag. 

So like Nick Fury in ep 1 of Agents of Shield?

I am in my mid 20s. I haven’t liked a cartoon like Adventure Time saince the original Simpsons and Futurama came out. I consider Simpsons series 1-9 ESSENTIAL watching for kids from 1-92, and Futurama pre-first-cancellation is some really brilliant and creative television that I put Adventure Time in the same

The Dream Batman Suicide Squad:

Being old and cranky is for chumps.

Was he adopted? The thing about GSA is it’s an almost certainty. Whereas if he’s adopted, he’s not related to you, and though half the world is male and half is female, strangers don’t develop the type of strong attraction to every other stranger that GSA does between siblings, and even parents and children who