
yeah I was kind of wondering why Batman would call in the Justice League for them. Hasn’t he taken all of them down himself before?

They call him DaRth-2.

Or Aidan Gillen, for that matter

To me she’s a giant, but I would still like to try to “handle” her

Starred to get that gorgeous redhead, Amy Pond, out of the greys. But I agree with you that uncultured swine need to watch Doctor Who

Thanks for my morning dose of spoilers, James! I must point out a small typo, though:

Re: Episode IX - Force ghosts can have beards as well. Just sayin’... :)

Karen Gillen has joined the cast as Martha.

I get putting armor on Annie since she’s a kid. I also get making it a Ben Reilly tribute. However the end results are not great.

I feel Kamala works better since like Coulson she’s an uber-fan. And let’s be honest, Unbeatable Squirrel Girl has been successful for 2 years running, she’s not a one-joke character.

Let’s bare in mind, she once beat up the entire team of Avengers.

I’m Tier 4: “Deathstroke’s that Asian lady with the Wolverine fingernails, right?”

I must be Tier 4, because I’m all of those.

Fox is so stupid. Ryan Reynolds is the biggest reason they are going to have another insanely profitable movie. I only wish the rights to Deadpool movies went back to Marvel so he could be in Spider-Man, and further Avengers movies.

Everyone’s flipping out over Deathstroke. I remember everyone going crazy over Herry Lenix reading the famous TDKR line when Batman beats down Superman to herald the coming of Batman vs know the line, the line they never used, the one they replaced with “WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME?”

OH my god that Supergirl poster is So. Wretched. People get paid for this garbage?!?!?!1?1?11!1!?1

Calling it now: A bunch of people are going to be confused that Will Smith isn’t returning to play Deathstroke in the new Batman movie.

Why are they making the next Transformers film based around one of the stupidest episodes from the orginal series?