
When you’ve had so many concussions that the ref looks like your trophy wife.

I like her, but she’s just an ok actress. If you don’t believe me, watch the audtion with her and Ellen Page. You can REALLY see the difference between GREAT acting and Just ok acting. You may never see Dredd the same again.

lol I just heard her speak in person today. Prior, I never knew what she was in and didn’t watch Battlestar. She seems like she has the right attitude and fitness, and she’s dating somebody who’s set to make their MCU debut so... maybe some strings can be pulled.

I just remembered that ALL the avengers will need enhanced neurological systems to understand the Guardians of the Galaxy. james Gunn explained that the only reason why Starlord understands the Guardians is because he has a brain chip that automatically translates all alien languages (and vice versa), except maybe

Oh so if a woman becomes the hulk she’s smart, sexy and articulated, but when a man becomes the hulk he’s all “SMASH PUNY BANNER!!! RRRAAAGGGHH!!!”

Jewel as ‘Jewel’! I mean, If Jessica Jones thinks her own alias is just asking for camel toe then may as well be somebody else who is comfortable in a white skin-tight suit. Maybe in animated form.

I’m guessing she’s Phase 6. I’m pretty sure they’ll squeeze at least two more phases out of Brie Larson.

Can you please explain why Barb is such a fan favourite character? I’m respectfully asking. She was in one episode in a minor role that had, like, maybe 5 lines. I support her for Squirrel Girl because she looks like Squirrel Girl, but I need to see the appeal.

Background employee 1: oh look Stacy and Lance are having sex again.

He’ll be blamed for her murder, but he’ll ultimately be innocent by law of Red Herring. That or a cocky ski instructor.

World class swimmers should all be tested for douchiness. Not just usa. I remember seeing my country’s top swimmer acting like a rude jerk at a hotel restaurant. Refused to acknowledge the waitress, even though she TALES YOUR ORDER, STUPID! Glad the fuckers only got silver in London and cried about it.

He probably dated Nancy Wheeler in high school.

Holy tight banana, Batman!!

But Playstation Network just announced a miniseries entitled Even Stranger Things.

Amazon Prime just announced New Strange Things.

Strange New Things? The fuuuuuck? Is that a bootleg of Stranger Things? Will Madden be playing Gene Harrison, the badboy douche that dates good girl, Fanny Steeler, but ultimately has a heart of gold? Will the show take place in a small town in Minneapolis? Will Madden’s character get dragged into a plot to help 012


Aw fuck you! Y'know, DC have a seriously inferior product to Marvel right now, and this damage control talk is the LAST THING you should be doing to justify your bullshit. I am so UNexcited for a justice league movie that me ffrom 10 yrs ago would beat me senseless for even thinking such a thing! I was more excited

Does that mean he also goes unintentionally method and puts on a bunch of pounds?

“I got the new iPhone 7, you guys.”