
Agreed. The main thing that it does it protects people that are essentially innocent bystanders. More than a few of the “cars driving through protest” videos that I’ve seen, are people going about their own business. And then end up turning down the wrong street at the wrong time. The crowd starts beating on the

That’s because there’s more Californians in AZ now.

Don’t worry, he’ll take it to Michigan and in less than 2 years it will match the rest of his rusty fleet.

Part of it was the Cherokee previously had a unibody. It was a CUV before CUV’s were a thing.

Took lots of land from them in North America too.

The “Cherokee” were actually conquered and eventually part of the Iroquois nation. The “Cherokee” also didn’t actually refer to themselves in their native language as Cherokee. This entire PC thing is silly.

You say that; but some of the most talented PHDs and engineers in the world work/ have worked at the laboratories and projects in the area. Makes R&D a bit easier when you have a huge pool of super nerds in the area. Similar to how many startup tech companies locate near and poach talent from Google, Amazon,

Brought the trophy back home though. It’s a big deal.

It’s not really a truck. Closer to a Ute.

There’s some sections of I40 that will give the flat sections of I90, I80, or I70 a run for their money.

I love them all. Fortunate to have spent ALOT of time cris-crossing North America during my first 25 years. National parks, tourist traps, different cultures, wildlife, the actual places where history happened! I can’t wait for my little ones to be a little bit bigger so we can spend more time on the road together.

Tank steer would be really difficult with 4 points of contact. And nearly impossible on firm, bare, dry pavement. That’s why Rivian’s ad uses a muddy, grass field.

dielectric fluid from blown capacitors.

Cadillac with the blackwing(GM). Ford with the Focus RS.

This has been my opinion also. Brighter colors tend to favor the C8 better than BMW standard whites, blacks, grays, and silvers.

It’s not exactly a gallon of milk. It’s really easy to cycle through ammunition while maintaining firearm proficiency. And its cheap insurance to make sure loved ones won’t go hungry.

Real estate, bullets, and water.

Agreed. I think subaru may actually end up seeing the biggest impact in those areas. I could also see people in the 30-35 age range that have owned three consecutive tacos wanting something other than another mildly facelifted tacoma.

It needs some really glossy flames.

That’s what was being investigated. My dad spent some time working drug interdiction/enforcement. It didn’t help that they had recently upped the coverage on the rental(when we moved out of state a couple months prior). I think my parents personally knew the realtor/property manager. And it turned out the realtor had