The Armdancer

Or, taken from a slightly different perspective... he was alone in a shed for months on end recording a special... what other face was he going to use? 

Weird. I didn’t have a problem signing up. It accepted was my credit card number, banking information and Social Security Number andeverything!

Of all the Robert Crais novels Hostage is the last one I would have turned into a movie.

Also, given that Reacher is now a hit, maybe Prime could take a look at Elvis Cole/Joe Pike?

America needs the wit and wisdom of Jay Sherman “The Critic” now more than ever.  So let’s revive that short-lived classic instead.

Alan Ritchson, perhaps best known for playing

Speaking of the cutting room floor: the AV Club!

Scared thug: Whom-- Whom are you?

Rest up buddy, we’ll find whom it was.

The only way Family Matters should reboot is if the cast is all white and the name is changed to All Families Matter.

In hindsight, that Gringott’s lunchroom scene where the staff all order pastrami on rye with a Dr. Brown’s Cel-Ray soda and then complain about getting “schmutz on their schmatta” seems really unnecessary.

I’m not worried about Omicron, because after 800k deaths in 20 months, I’m sure Americans are finally ready to open their hearts and minds to science.

Is this a short-lived Tina Fey sitcom? Because this is great news!

Ferrell is a capable actor when used correctly and given the right material. He was clearly passionate for this lakers show, and mixed with his longest artistic partner, would have given his all here.

“...and I reminded him of some slights that were thrown my way that were never apologized for.”

Well, now we know who the asshole actually was

nobody deserves to have their privacy invaded like that. Pamela can consent to what she wants, but the very nature of this sex tape is about removing the consent and then placing blame on her like you seem to be doing lol. So you’re kind of proving the very point that yes, she is held to a more unfair standard here,

I don’t think “incompetent government hides truth from the people” is an “alt-right delusion,” so much as a “historically documented fact.” The alt-right folks have enough legitimate delusions that we don’t need to avoid talking about, satirizing, and/or dealing with real problems just because crazy people also think

Dennis - vaccinated because he is a hypochondriac

Mac almost HAS to be an anti-vaxx guy, right? God fearing, in incredible shape and insanely conservative in most things?

Goodnight Moon II: The Revenge