
Where on earth did you get your last statement from? Only in recent years has society (why is society in quotation marks?) become worse for POC? Show me the receipts. Because that claim is astoundingly wrong. Like, just really really obviously false to the point of absurdity.

Nope. I’m white. I don’t have a problem with the word privilege or when the modifier ‘white’ is added to it. Please don’t speak on behalf of our entire race, especially if you’re going to trot out tired arguments. I’m white, I’m committed to fighting against racism, and I know white privilege exists because I am

Umm... just imagine what exactly? But, seriously. Please elaborate. Just imagine that people would get offended and complain about it online... like you are doing right now? That people would call it racist and divisive... like you are implying right now? Also the Klan is a terrorist organization responsible for

Thank you for your message! I seriously had to take a break from the internet after some of these exchanges... it can feel like you’re the only sane person in the world sometimes. And you’re so right on. It’s those people who say some of the right things and feel so convicted that they are good and just, but actually

I don’t think so. I’m just tired of having the same conversations over and over again with ‘feminists’ who turn on each other the second someone suggests they aren’t perfect. So, I’m frustrated. But these narratives are alive and well outside my own head. 

Also, to be clear, I think the distinction you’re setting up between feminism and Black community issues is the real problem. Feminism is and ought to be concerned with racial oppression. Not just when we run out of ‘women’s issues’ to be concerned with, all the time. There are many reasons for this, but I’ll give you

I’m definitely not making your point. But your final comparison between Trayvon Martin and Hawaiian sea turtles is telling... yes you’re correct I am suggesting there is nothing wrong with Black women prioritizing not being slaves over having votes (which... they couldn’t be granted as slaves). I am actually, even

What’s that saying... all the men are Black and all the women are White. How were women thrown under the bus with the abolition of slavery? Some of those slaves were women! They were directly benefiting from the abolition of slavery. Do you mean to imply that those women slaves should have first fought for their white

It’s not just about activism though, it’s about your mindset and orientation to the world. Call it feminism, call it whatever you want. I don’t care much for boundary policing. What it comes down to is being committed as a white woman to dismantling white privilege. That may mean getting fully involved with activist

I understand where you’re coming from... but from one formerly-sequestered educated, white, liberal feminist to another, it’s just not good enough. I’m going to give you my thoughts and fair warning they are going to be harsh. If you hold it as part of your self-identity that you are a good person, that you are a

I think you’re missing the point. White women should be accountable for white privilege... which is one cause of the majority of them voting for Trump. This is a lot bigger than one election. It’s about white feminists ignoring the moral responsibilities that come along with the *white* part of that identity and yet

I think there are ways to show up (with white skin) for an intersectional feminist cause. It’s about thinking through strategic ways to make sure that your presence, your signage, your marching, your chants, etc. etc. are intersectional from the start. The frustrating thing is, we assume that all we need to do to

See, and that’s such a failure of allyship right there off the bat. You shouldn’t have to be the one to mention white privilege first, you shouldn’t have to start that conversation, because it puts you in a vulnerable position among so-called friends in solidarity. White feminists should start these conversations

Dude the inauguration literally happens every four years.

[Sorry for the lateness] It was mostly my partner who was always pro-cloth and anti-disposable for environmental reasons (like, even before we were remotely thinking about getting pregnant, they brought this up in casual conversation). I was actually really hesitant and skeptical because I have no experience with

If you don’t mind me asking, what product are you going to use that doesn’t ruin cloth diapers? I’m planning to use cloth too but I have *zero* experience and need all the help I can get! 

If you’re going to keep going on like this you need to step up. What would constitute conclusive proof in this circumstance? Keeping in mind that conclusive proof needs to be possible and not ideal.

So well put. He has such presence even in grainy youtube videos and especially in his writing. Wish I could have witnessed him speaking in person.

Yeah would be, but probably not practical in the end. I think the only solution is for the public to support them enough that their employer worries it will hurt their popularity to perform at the inauguration. 

But he’s not just ‘someone they hate’. He’s a tyrant who will be celebrating the start of his term as President of this country. That makes a difference. Forcing citizens to perform at an explicitly partisan, political event in honor of a man who is dangerous for humanity crosses a line. Yes, we can hide behind labor