
So maybe not a decent film for everyone, but a ‘serious’ role nonethless. “Chloe” with Julianne Moore.

Couldn’t have said it better myself. So self-indulgent and, honestly, it seemed like it was thrown together.

Exactly. Her turning up her nose to the Chilton job and then writing that stupid book instead...  she would be *lucky* to teach at a prestigious private school. As an actual 30-something who wants to be a teacher this story line killed me. What 32 year old who is supposedly an intelligent, loving person acts this way?

To be clear the official reason for his firing was “breach of trust” and not assault of any kind.

That’s okay, it’s part of the process. I’m sending you internet hugs and strength from someone who knows what it’s like. We’ll all get through this.

I hear you, my god, I hear you. Though... maybe I’ve tapped into some primal anger lurking within me lately, but I’m DONE being minimalized and retraumatized. You know who should quit earth, the fucking rapists and rape-apologists running rampant around here. Whereas you should definitely stay :)

Actually I think ‘Canadian bacon’ (which is soooo dumb I agree and clearly just ham) is trying to be Peameal bacon, which is legit delicious and neither bacon nor ham.

Ohhhh that’s beautiful. I *so* wish I was this badass

Hahahaha. Yes, excellent analysis

I think there’s a lot of room between ‘exact same rights as citizens’ and dehumanized non-citizens being held within the U.S. Sure, we restrict rights for people who break crimes. We also restrict rights for children and the mentally ill or unfit. Restricting rights for punitive purposes makes sense but treating

These stats are actually very hard to interpret for the simple reason that many prisoners are booked on a number of crimes at once (mixed violent and non-violent) and the crimes they are charged with are often argued during trial so that they may not resemble what the offender ‘actually’ did. So, for example, an

I’ll gladly minister the wedding! Honestly - the patience EileenCountContessa has shown with this guy’s bs. A better person than I!

Haha - thanks!

And the best jokes need to be identified as such!

No, I actually like reading opinions that differ from my own; builds my social intelligence and helps me define my safe spaces, triggers and zones of intersectionality.

Haha my reaction exactly!

Wow, thanks for the link! That article was actually a well-researched, insightful look at a celebrity news story. It even had an intersectional feminist lens. I’m... shocked...

I lived in Belgium for a year... I second your thoughts!

YESSSSSSSSSS. That’s literally all I can add to this conversation right now because I’m in an emotinal hole from reading that transcript. But, you so hit the nail on the head with your comment and I just wanted to share my inarticulate appreciation!!!

Who is this “Ava Duvernay” you speak of? I thought her name was “female”?!?!