Can’t anyone think of the rappers?!?! Seriously? It’s such an early 90s cliche to deflect from the point at hand by saying, but what about the rappers and the damage they do to society? And the porn! Who are you, Tipper Gore?
Can’t anyone think of the rappers?!?! Seriously? It’s such an early 90s cliche to deflect from the point at hand by saying, but what about the rappers and the damage they do to society? And the porn! Who are you, Tipper Gore?
Ah, the old standby—caring about the ripple-effect of misogynist writing means we’ll utterly abandon rape survivors. Weak females can only concentrate on one issue at a time, after all, and thus run here and there like pigeons after crumbs shrieking about chauvinist funnymen.
Accurate. Or “well should we really complain about sexism here? Look at how women are treated in Saudi Arabia!!!!”
Oh my god, please stop. Please stop now. Just shush. Your 17 paragraph explanations of how we don’t understand why he isn’t actually a misogynistic, abusive jerk are not going to work. They are condescending and pretentious.
I don’t get why you keep saying he wrote misogynistic stuff in the 90s and ignoring that he was still writing misogynstic stuff in 2009. A guy who’s been profiting from misogyny for 2/3rds of his career doesn’t “redeem himself” by writing about non-gendered political stuff for a few years.
I’ve done Holland America (around South America), Celebrity (the Baltic and Asia) and Azamara (a different part of Asia). Azamara is $$$, our friend is a travel agent and she got us a very nice discount. Holland America is fine if you’re okay traveling with the elderly. They do a lot of longer voyages so they cater to…
Thank you for your perspective. I think you did the right thing, and I’m very happy that it all worked out well for you and your partner.
I like looking at a dick the same way I like looking at a bowl of chili. When I’m hungry and craving chili, nothing in the world looks better. When I’m not hungry, I don’t want to look at it because it *objectively* resembles gross things.
Uh... is this comment necessary? I don’t know what you hoped to add to this conversation, except you want congratulations for not sexually exploiting women who look at you in the shower? Or that you’re somehow exempt from misogyny because you’re a gay man?
“But then, I suppose it doesn’t count as abuse or misogyny as long as you look like Ian Somerhalder.”
Sonja’s blurred out nipples really elevate this.
Go fuck yourself, you ignorant, condescending, superiority-complex-having, basic bitch. Alice Walker would shit in your mouth for attempting to use one of her quotes to try to smugly silence Black women. You cannot tell Black women what we think or how we are supposed to carry ourselves in relation to womanism.
I just tried watching Shameless (the American version) for the first time the other day and it was awful. I haven’t seen the British version and forgot it even existed, but now I know why I didn’t like the American series. The humor is off. Just doesn’t feel right.
One pattern I have noticed from being friends with white women (a practice I no longer engage in) is that as soon as some white dick comes along, they ghost. It doesn’t matter that we’ve been friends for years. Their whole attitude would change and all of a sudden they’re commenting on my behaviour, how loud I am, the…
I actually went online to check his age, because this version of Holland is super appealing to me and I felt great unease when I thought that maybe I was ogling a teenager.
Absolutely. And i will be the first one to call out people who use drag as a joke or to be hip or what not, that is not at all the vibe I got here. this is a man who probably had plenty of watching the women get thebreally killer moves in ballet. He was loving every damn second of breaking out those moves.
Hark! Do I hear the sound of a new crush swiftly forming?
I cant stand Phaedra and her fake ass love for Jesus