
As someone who cheated with one person and confessed and then dealt with 2+ years of couples’ therapy, crying, hating each other, feeling depressed, etc. I say he absolutely SHOULD tell her. The aftermath of my confession was literally the hardest thing I (and my partner) have ever gone through. But the relationship

Same... ;)

Yes, yes I am. I just HAVE to say one more thing. The whole point is that the simple and banal nature of your comment is the catalyst for speculation on its subtext. Your conscious intentions matter but they don’t define the limits of your meaning on a public forum. The only interesting thing about your comment is the

Nope. We were discussing subtext. Hence my reference to subtext above. Also you realize subtext involves the ‘text’, right?

Oh I’m using the royal ‘he’

Also, dude, I’m just avoiding my actual work right now because it’s Friday afternoon. But I’m starting to bore of your one line responses to out of context quotes of my comments. It’s lazy argumentation... do better or admit defeat! And... thanks for motivating to get back to work.

I was self referencing there. Read my previous comments. I mentioned that might be one explanation for people’s discomfort with the subtext of your comment. Keep up.

I know... sigh. Sometimes I can’t help myself haha. I’m on a research break right now, maybe I miss teaching? He just reminds me so much of my undergrads who think they have big boy pants because they’ve taken intro to critical thinking. 

Pretty clearly obvious and uninteresting. I don’t find simple misogynistic stereotypes or people who think that women’s bodies should be commented on and scrutinized with abandon “shocking” at all. Quite the opposite actually. What’s offputting and weird (my words) is your insistence on asserting your banal

Sure it’s not under your control but that doesn’t mean you have no responsibility to others. You put your observation out there for others to consume and remark on. And again, I’ll say what is so interesting about it? Maybe you could have clarified that and that would be the end of it. That’s a good way to stop people

Whew, damn you’re literal. I meant conversation about women’s bodies and pregnancy. Like, in society at large. This is a feminist website.

That’s because you’re stepping into a much deeper conversation. Of a), b), and c), your insistence that there is a possibility that a) is the case and your desire to state that over and over again seems to be rooted in some dubious intentions. For example, put in context with endless comments from men and misogynists

Omg... are you a freshman in philosophy or something? Stop with this facile attempt at ‘arguing’ because you think it makes you seem smart. Your contention with the rep’s comments can be boiled down to: instead of a direct answer to the question she implicitly answered in the negative by reframing the comment within

It’s pretty simple actually, just because something is socially constructed does not mean it’s completely mutable. We understand our world through many social constructs - as the author pointed out, including money - that operate beyond our individual will. The mistake is assuming that socially constructed = under my

Yes! I was trying to put my finger on who she reminded me of. Soo Devon Aoki

I approve of all of your choices. Can we just start a best Buffy episodes/moments thread? I’m trying to plan my binge watching celebration for tonight and you’ve just reminded me of episodes I totally forgot about (hello Storyteller!). I will of course be carrying around a platter of sliced cheese.

Yes. My mother had ovarian cancer. I just had a recent scare, but thankfully it was benign. I’ve had early detection practices drilled into my head since I hit puberty. This can be life saving knowledge.

This is actually why I find things like this icky. They’re making sex into such a big deal by abstaining from it before marriage. Just do it or don’t do it, but don’t turn your choice into some great meaningful performance for the world to see.

That’s definitely true. We have to be pragmatic sometimes, but I still worry about what we lose when we let others change the terms of the debate to make themselves more comfortable. It’s a hard one though... I tend to take the stance that ‘white privilege’ is a technical term used by people who do critical race

So, there’s actually a bunch of complicated sub-questions to your questions... here’s my best take. First, you made the claim ‘whites have an issue with the word privilege’ and I was responding to that. Now, you seem to have two separate problems: that the term white occludes other racial groups within it (ex. middle