
That part in particular... you might not remember it, but you were completely conscious. Jesus. Word for word from my rapist’s mouth. It’s that emotional manipulation that 10 years later still makes me feel like I asked for it even though I’m a raging feminist that *knows* better. Fuck men like this.

I’m from a country that NEVER medals in gymnastics but I still love it! I think it’s because, as someone said above, I watch the Olympics for the love of sport (take that NBC) and not for some patriotic rah rah-ing. That being said, I do *kinda* cheer for the other team if they’re playing the US. But that’s mostly

Yes, exactly. That voice. And how she keeps trying to hide the camera. What happens after?!

That definitely makes sense! And I’d love to each some nachos and talk friendly smack. Although since NBC only seems to show events where the US dominates, it would be kinda hard to dish it both ways ;p

Aww... haha I appreciate the hello and the kind reply! As I said, I really didn’t mean to sound harsh. But this is my first Olympics living in the US as an NRA (the cool non-resident alien kind, not the gun kind) and the USA USA USA fervour has been a *bit* much. But your points are well taken!

But she’s the one actually swimming differently!

Uhh.... as a non-American lurking in these parts, I know you guys are joking and think this is light hearted. But do you know how distasteful and arrogant it sounds to hear you (not just you, but the whole thread making these comments)? As if America is a land of peace and prosperity where its own citizens are treated

Aw, I’m pretty sure I have that job now. I took a huge pay cut to become an academic, and I still don’t get paid well, but I wouldn’t trade it for my old life ever. (Philosopher btw). [Edited because I mixed up my cliches in my tired state!]

This comment is GOLD.

So much yes. I’ve had it with all the people sitting on the sides critiquing those acting in the streets. Yeah, I’m sure they’d love to be sitting on their asses judging others, but they’re too busy *fighting for their lives out here*. Must be nice to be so perfect at doing nothing that you’re free from critique

Okay but most importantly the trailer features Man Man’s “Head On”! Love that song. Love that album.

Now this is just sad. You’re like 14 aren’t you? Sorry hun I’m out of your league and can’t even be bothered.

Hahaha okay that was an epic fail. You didn’t even get to the hypocrite part. Lazy trolling all around. Also was the Trump impression meant to be a knock on my failure to be queen of the bitches? Because that was a joke dude. That’s not a real position that I applied for. And who’s blaming men? I’m yelling at YOU for

Also-also, I forgot to add: fuck off!

How? Really, how did I “prove” that? Step-by-step so my small lady brain can comprehend it. Both parts too: explain how my comment proved all feminists are mentally ill, and then, how all feminists are hypocrites. I’ll wait. Also, just a pro tip, as much as I would love being queen of the bitches, we’re more of an

Just shut the fuck up. Honestly. It’s been a week of violence against women, sexual violence against women and children... and this bullshit court case happens and that’s your comment? That’s what you have to add to the discussion? Hey asshole, guess what, I don’t fucking believe you. You’re trying to “cleverly” use

I was roofied by a bartender when I was 20 years old in NYC (yes I was using a fake ID and for this reason never went to the cops). While well intentioned this is not good advice. IMO the *only* safe thing to do is never let your drink out of your sight or hand. If you have to go to the bathroom finish your drink

I’ve been married 6 years and I don’t know the name of my partner’s high school *shrug*. I mean I know where it is roughly and I’ve heard lots of stories about their time in high school... but I don’t know the name. I guess I’m weird?? Haha

Yes so much yes. They are seriously the best condom ever. I’ve switched every guy I’ve been with too. We need to spread the gospel!

Uh huh, I see your mistake is that you didn’t read my comment. [... and honestly, we can keep going with this silly game, but it’s boring at this point. Or you could moderately entertain me by admitting that you’re a) actually not reading comments you’re replying to, or b) trying to be argumentative in the most